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Posts posted by Gregalor

  1. 21 minutes ago, LadyHawke said:

    Weren't Morley's the X-Files fake brand?


    I looked them up, they have a Wikipedia entry. They're a commonly used fake brand, dating back to the 60s. I think it's like that prop newspaper that's been circulated for decades, rented out by the same prop house over and over.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they were specifically a nod to the X-Files, though, given Mark Frost's tastes.

  2. 6 minutes ago, BizzyDQ said:


    1. Why is Preston's walk "ridiculous?" Have you never known a woman who looks like a runway model and chooses to play it up at some moments by playing the part? Why does it have to be a bad thing here? Maybe she's feeling disrespected and wants them to take a good look at what they will never have. Is it the best choice in the workplace? No. Is it a choice someone might make? Yes.

    As a moderately attractive woman who also happens to work in an industry dominated by old men (agricultural sciences) I can say that is not a choice a reasonable person who wants to be taken seriously by her peers would ever make.


    Or taken seriously by the viewers. I find it very difficult to buy what Chrysta Bell is selling as an actress.

  3. 7 hours ago, dartmonkey said:

    Man, second time round it really stood out. The way she walks is straight up Bayonetta levels of insane.

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    Everything about her acting is very exaggerated. Look at the way she flings her face around when Albert and Gordon send her away. It's all very distracting, I can't say I've been enjoying her performance.

    When she did that walk, flinging her hips around, I said, "I don't buy her as an FBI agent for a second." But now that I know from the podcast that she's the "footnotes agent" from the Secret History book, my conspiracy theory about her infiltrating the FBI from some other faction is pretty much out the window. I'm going to chalk it up to Lynch giving his friend who can't act very well (IMO) a job.

  4. Does anyone have any theories about Agent Tammy? The acting is SO BAD, I can only guess that it's intentional. She's really hamming it up any time she's on screen, and it sticks out like a sore thumb in every scene she's in.

    If I went wild with conspiracy guesses, it makes me suspect that Tammy is not a legit FBI officer, but maybe is someone who has infiltrated the FBI from some other faction and is doing a bad job of blending in. We already know that Albert and Gordon don't entirely trust her.

  5. 17 minutes ago, LadyHawke said:

    The blind woman appeared Asian. Is this supposed to evoke Josie Packer?


    I thought about that, too. The resemblance seemed quite close, even without the eyes. Of course, it isn't the same actress, who has confirmed that she was not involved in this new season. However, it could be a Josie (or representation of her) that hasn't aged since her death. When she appeared, I got really excited by the idea that we might be about to learn more of what happened to Josie.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Jake said:


    I don't know if I buy this when the only act we've seen there is Julee Cruise. I mean, I buy it because it's your opinion! But I don't feel that way about it. (I found Michael Cera to be really funny. I was worried his presence would suck but that scene felt so legitimate Goofy Twin Peaks to me, including Andy and Lucy barely keeping their shit together.)


    Also holyyyy shittt Cooper eating pancakes and drinking coffee. Fuck.


    What I was getting at is, to me, it feels like each episode is ending with a commercial. In the original series, it was like they had one house band (played by Julee Cruise et al) that performed there every night, playing original music that was written for the show. That gels better with me.


    Michael Cera is a national treasure and I hope to god he comes back. Hell, give me a Wally Brando spinoff, his wacky and dharmic adventures as he rides from town to town. I really wonder how much of that speech was improv'd. The multitude of cutaways to Truman make me suspect they just rolled camera and then edited around pauses and crackups.


    I really really hope that Cooper's coffee spit-take was the violent awaking of Normal Coop, the coffee bringing him to his senses.

  7. 4 hours ago, Mike Danger said:

    I gotta say, I'm really digging the bar outros. It feels like a nice breath of fresh air after the past several hours of constant pressure.


    While Michael Cera is taking a lot of people out of it, the musical outros are what have that effect on me. They feel like David Lynch appearing at the end of every episode and saying, "And BY THE WAY, here's a band I like, you should check them out after this." They feel like they could have all been filmed at Lynch's music festival that he put on last October, rather than acts that would be booked at the Bang Bang Bar in Twin Peaks.