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About IdleBurger

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  1. Please tip your postmate

    Im all for tipping, but I have a real problem ordering a meal that costs me $29 and ending up with a $43 bill after everyone has taken their cut of "fees". Plus the driver is already "Tipped" as part of the delivery fee. Its not my job to pay their base salary and tip them at the same time. Postmates can pay them a base salary and give them that 80% of the delivery fee like they currently do. Cheesecake Factory: * Steak Diane * Appetizer Total: $29.05 +Service Fee: $2.62 (what service? Delivery? See next line) +Delivery Fee: $6.00 (postmates driver gets 80% - nearly a $5 tip here already) +Tip: $5.65 Original total: $29.05 New Total: $43.32 Sorry, but that's bullsh*t ...... I dont tip $10.65 on a $29 order. I will however tip $5 on a $29 order just like when Pizza Hut comes to my house. That $5.00 goes to them from the delivery fee. So no more tipping with Postmates. I used to tip. I wont be after this order. Postmates can figure it out with their delivery people. Maybe remove that silly "service fee" and stop calculating my "tip" based on the total after all the fees (sneaky, dishonest) instead of the meal itself.