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About Ruarl

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  1. Designer Notes 19: Louis Castle

    Hey that's a really good point. Can you suggest some female games designers with similar experience (or as close as possible, given current industry biases) for Soren et al to interview? This is not a troll, but a genuine request. I'm not involved in the industry, just a consumer.
  2. Designer Notes 19: Louis Castle

    What a fascinating interview. What an incredible set of achievements over a career to date. And incredible insights into important factors in games design. Working for a company which is still trying to tweak 3D graphics, and push the capabilities of hardware into new directions, it's incredible to hear just how much was accomplished on Blade Runner in particular, but others too. AND some amazing insights on non-linear storytelling, which I have already shared with the interactive storytelling crowd at work. I can't wait to see what he does with AR.