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About logorrhea

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  1. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    Looks like I'm a bit late to this topic, but I'm unreasonably excited for this jam Haven't picked a topic yet, but here's some that are sticking out to me 234: Mister Neighbor 230: A Farewell to Junior Mints (I really like this for some reason) 173: Ridonkulous Rift 59: Rolling with the Pope (as someone elsementioned) and of course 50: "Farewell, Video Games" or "The Shitty Wizard" (namely the shitty wizard part ;-) I'm fairly new to game dev, but it's something I'm very much interested in. I've only participated in one other jam before, and really had a great time with it! Considering posting in the team-building thread, but I'm not sure...sometimes I like doing things my own way.