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About Kunikos

  • Rank
  • Birthday July 9

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Contact Methods

  • Steam


  • Location
    Twitter/LIVE: Kunikos
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  1. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hey- new to the forums. I blame Danielle and Jake for tweeting threads with images that I couldn't load without login. Oh, and I notice the thread is started by the fellow who showed up in one of the recent Thumbs casts (Spaff). Let's see- where to start? I'm a dev at Microsoft Studios / Xbox, my Twitter is @kunikos, as is my Steam handle and LIVE Gamertag. I am an exile/ex-pat of Quarter to Three forum, who has replaced his ridiculous post count there for a similar tweet count. Most of which are crummy attempts at humor or provoking discussion. I've been mostly a PC gamer from 91, and I like RPGs like PS:T best of all (but have a weak spot for a well balanced and smooth fighting game, despite being comparatively terrible at them to most hardcore players).