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Posts posted by richardco

  1. For some reason, I thought that the actor who played Mike had both arms.  I always thought that it looked like he was hiding an arm under his shirt.  Typing this out makes me feel like an asshole, but I was very surprised to see that this was not the case.

  2. Along the lines of Chris feeling like a mom when playing GTA 5, I feel like a mom when seeing things Mortal Kombat related.

    I'm not sure why.  I remember being very enamored by MK2.  And I'm certainly not averse to violent games.  But I guess I do find myself getting a little more grossed out by games that revel in it.



    Also, Bioshock 2 multiplayer was great!  I played a ton of it as well.  It was fun because it wasn't solely reliant on you killing dudes.  


    That TF2 economy email WAS GREAT!

  3. Did a bit of a Lynch deep dive this year, having only previously seen Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks.

    So yesterday I watched Inland Empire and I don't even know how to begin making sense of it.  Maybe it's David Lynch's Breakfast of Champions or Dark Tower?  Kind of a self homage?  There's one shot leading down a hallway into a bedroom that is so Lost Highway.  I really don't know.  But what I do know is there's a scene in a hallway toward the end that is absolutely terrifying. 

  4. I like this episode. Aside from the horse costume, this is one of Windom's best episodes where he actually comes off as somewhat menacing. I quite like that video of him too. In the annals of Twin Peaks attempting to be Lynchian without Lynch, Stephen Gyllenhaal (yes, that Gyllenhaal) comes closest to the mark with a lot of moments here and the closing montage is great set-up for what's to come.


    Well, 2 more episodes. The next is a dud imo. But the on after, whoo boy. Hopefully Lynch will return to present Twin Peaks before we get to his return on past Twin Peaks.

    Yeah, this is when Earle finally started to creep me out.  I actually found the horse costume to be quite menacing.  Is this the episode where Earle's face does...that thing?

    And yeah, next episode is a bit of a clunker, but the finale is great!  Gave me nightmares for a solid week.

  5. I think Danielle's Blood Beef is something that's been so beaten into me by the games that I don't even notice/realize I'm working around it anymore.  You kinda can't let yourself get cornered.  If you do, it's just a matter of mashing dodge and praying that you live.  Arena awareness is pretty huge, maybe less so in Bloodborne than in the others.  Like in Dark Souls 2, I'm thinking of 2 boss arenas in particular that are just instant deaths if you take a misstep.  In any case, it's a great Blood Beef.


    I shamefully got killed by like 2 fairly easy enemies in the Forbidden Woods because there's a devious bit of fence that's mostly-concealed in some tall grass--along with these 2 enemies and an item.  So I got the item, got killed by dodging back into the fence, went back for the blood echoes, got backed up against the fence and killed again, and then submitted to the fence's superior gamesmanship.  


    And I really do want to make a Danielle Bloodborne character now.  Maybe called Blood Beef.  Since the Beast Claws (obviously real Danielle's weapon of choice) come so late in the game, I'd have to basically make it a NG+ run.  It would also have to be done in the trick stance since that most closely resembles just punching fools, so it would effectively be a no-gun run as well.  This actually sounds really fun.


    But I'm so bad at the character creator.  If anyone is really good at using it, they should make some Thumbs hosts and post the sliders!

  6. Ahh, thanks for easing my mind with that Cole-Shelley stuff Lost and Elen.  I'll probably be able to enjoy that more the next time I see it.



    Thanks! I hope I have a reason to make a Part 5. :/ #SaveTwinPeaks


    Hear, hear.

    It's been heartening to see lots of the old cast shooting little home videos in support of David Lynch.  Sherilyn Fenn's with her kid was especially cute.


  7. I think Bloodborne might well be the strongest single player campaign of the Souls games (it feels perfectly balanced for that), but is unfortunately the weakest in terms of online play. 


    Probably true.  I did a lot of Multiplayer in DS2 and I liked helping people with bosses, but I didn't have a ton of fun with the rest of the game.  Still going to check out the remaster when it drops to like 30 bucks.  I've heard the DLC is very good.  DS2 definitely had the best system for online play.  (Though I am partial to the DSFIX mod of Dark Souls on the PC.  Some friends and I have done Drunk Souls 3-player co-op for the game.  We somehow made it through Blighttown and got 2 of the 3 of us to the top of Sen's Fortress.)


    Bloodborne's the game that finally makes the PS4 share stuff relevant for me.  Some friends and I captured and shared all our boss fights as well as weird little lore bits and interesting quest dialogue.  I imagine I'll be making use of it again when MGS5 hits later this year.


    All right I'll give the other chalices a chance but IF THEY SUCK...


    The chalice dungeons kinda all suck.  I adore this game, but I do not adore those.  There are, however, some very excellent boss fights that you can only see in those dungeons.  

  8. Guess I was a little at odds with Jake and Chris on this episode.  I liked the Owl Cave stuff because it finally felt like something interesting was happening.  And I was kind of grossed out by the Gordon Cole-Shelley stuff.  I've never been able to see Cole as not David Lynch, and the whole thing came off as very casting-couch-y to me.  I don't think Lynch is that kind of guy, but I just couldn't shake the feeling.


    And man, Annie.  She's as bad as Billy Zane's character.  They are both just nothing characters.  The idea of Cooper and Audrey as an item never sat right with me, but to see them both end up with pretty, soulless mannequins is maybe worse than an FBI Agent dating a high schooler.  Maybe.


    And LostInTheMovies, I really enjoyed your YouTube Twin Peaks series.

  9. I picked up MH4u and Majora's Mask both on the day of their simultaneous launch alongside the n3DS, and after some three hundred or so hours of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, i decided i should probably crack open Majora too.


    I'm probably too early in Majora to make any big statements about the game, and it's been over a decade since i played the game last, but i'm still impressed with the density and complexity of the side quests in Clocktown. I think i like that the new quest journal sort of forces you to appreciate it more, because it seems like something that a lot of people would completely miss or otherwise lose sight of.


    The game's presentation also still strikes me as really sharp and stylish, whereas the narrative presentation in Ocarina came across to me as kind of listless and staid when i was revisiting it with Ocarina 3D.


    Edit: I assume it was probably the case, but perhaps somebody can confirm for me if you had to first slot a mask to equip it in Majora? It probably made a lot of sense there with how slow the UI used to be in those N64 games, but why is that still a part of how the UI works with the remake? It doesn't make sense with the remake's quick and easily accessed touchscreen inventory, the extra step of slotting the mask is now actually slowing you down. They're passive equipment, they don't really need to be on a hot key.


    That's my minor gripe, as of this point in time.


    I'd only played through Majora's once--back when it first came out.  I remember enjoying it, but being underwhelmed that it wasn't just Ocarina 2.  Revisiting them this year on the 3DS, I'd have to say Majora's holds up WAY better.  Agree with everything you said.

    Majora's might be my favorite Zelda game now.

  10. I don't think I really had to farm for chalice materials.  You can buy some at the insight shop.  If it's Arcane Haze you're in need of, there's a tool in one of the standardized dungeons that allows you to convert other mats into Arcane Haze.  I didn't mess around with the Great Isz, or Hintertomb chalices, or really any of the randomized ones.  I was just concerned with getting to the Lore-significant boss in the Lower Pthumeru one.

  11. Watched the FWWM deleted scenes this weekend.  Makes sense why most of them were cut, but it was nice to check back in with the townsfolk.  The Pete/Josie scene was particular fun, but it would have felt out of place with the rest of the film.  Also liked the stuff that's post-season 2, but once again, I can see why it was cut.  Would make the film seem a little more aimless.

  12. I just wish that Jeff et al. were more vocal about the opinions they obviously hold w.r.t. GG and that ugly side of "gamer culture" (whatever that means). I understand that they need the money and the audience, but there are still a lot of shitty people inside the GB community and I think a part of that comes down to the staff being a bit elusive whenever something vaguely political pops up. Seeing how easily Jeff puts the anti-GG point across in a very lucid way makes me feel really frustrated that he hasn't said much about it.


    I hear ya.  But you get the audience you deserve.  If you make your space a safe place for fuckheads, there will be fuckheads.  

  13. Bloodborne finally pushed me to take the plunge on Lovecraft.  Bought a kindle version of his complete works for 10 bucks.  Enjoying most of the short stories so far.  All of them hold up remarkably well.  Always impressed when anything (book, movie, game) does this.