Vulpes Absurda

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Posts posted by Vulpes Absurda

  1. Speaking of POE does anyone feel like taking a stab at a Skolas run today? It doesn't look like it's got the best modifiers but I don't know that it ever really does and I'm running out of time to do it.

  2. That run was a lot more fun though I'm sad we couldn't get Korax's mic working. I think, I could never really tell.


    And I even got my Fatebringer! Which is great for the next 3-ish weeks before that gun is basically useless.

  3. Is it weird that I kind of hope the whole game takes place in that city section? The best parts of all the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne for me are the city sections and I kind of want a whole game of just that. Not that I didn't like the other sections in those game but I really feel that more urban areas are were those games really shine.

  4. I think I'd rather they let me use my old weapons and force me to reroll them but I guess they had to do something since some guns were just a little to much. Looking at you long range shotguns. Also not sure how I feel about them going to a straight leveling system, I kind of like how the more abstract light system made it feel less like a traditional grind. Even though it clearly was.


    All in all these are the changes I expected in Destiny 2 not this expansion and I'm maybe a little disappointed in that? I like how weird and janky this game is and how interesting that makes it and I feel like this maybe takes some of that away. But I guess I'll see in September.


    I guess this also explains why they haven't been working on bugfixes and balance changes like you'd expect. They were too busy working on getting this into the game.

  5. Tempting but I think I'm to try to get a group for Skolas and do the other year one stuff and then I think I'll take a break in till The Taken King comes out.


    I'll still hop on for raids on the weekend if someone wants to get one going but Iron Banner this last week really burned me out so I think a break would be good.

  6. I went ahead and started a 100 event for Iron Banner for Sunday (I'm playing D&D Saturday so I moved it) if anyone can't make it at that time let me know. Also I'm not super worried about winning iron banner so anyone who's at least level 32 is welcome to join, just remember that you can only bank so many loses before you really need to win a match so we may have to get serious once in a while.

  7. I just had maybe my best run in PVP today! I won 4 games in a row and in one of them I accounted for over a third of all my teams points, and both teams were relatively good. Feel pretty good about that!


    Still need to work on my sniping though.

  8. What is it about skilled PVP players that makes almost all of them have the worst taste in music?


    Also yeah I'm gonna have to try that on my hunter at some point. I really like the knife throw anyways so I'll have some fun with that.

  9. It doesn't say nice thing about me that I look at that guy and secretly hope that all the time he's spent getting that good means he's likely not doing so while in other areas of his life does it?


    In less petty news I got a Monte Carlo from a random PVP match as soon as Griddlelol left! Go me! :)

  10. If another one is scheduled then I'll make an effort to show up for it. I'm seriously really sorry, I feel like a right arsehole for forgetting about everything yesterday. I didn't even realise until I came on here and read the posts this morning.


    It's alright it happens. I just assumed you were off getting married to some cat elf in FFXIV. ;)


    Also I'm gonna hop on and start playing around 1:PM my time so I'm good to go around then if anyone wants to meet up to finish the raid.

  11. Yeah I was getting a little ticked off towards the end there and I already had a bad combination of two much sugar, not enough to eat, and just a little too much stress. And once I was reminded that we could just come back to it I felt it was a much better idea to come back to it later.

  12. Alright I started an event for 1 PM my time on Saturday. Let me know if that's a bad time for anyone, I feel like that should be OK but what do I know?

  13. I've been trying to do five PVP matches a day for the last two weeks to prep for trials so if anyone is looking to get some practice in feel free to join me when you see me on. I've also have been thinking about starting a weekly PVP event on the 100 where we try to get three plus people together every Saturday if that seems like a good idea..

  14. I'd like to thank JonCole for leading me through a really fun and quick POE 34 and a really just kind of sad Trials run. I just completely lost it on that last match. Which is a shame as we really should have had that match based on their gear.

  15. So is there any real interest in the Crota run set to start in about two hours? If not I can move family movie night to today and be free tomorrow night. Either is fine but it would be nice to know ahead of time. As it is we're 3 people short so I thought I'd check.