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About alexpiercey

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  1. Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones! Sorry, when I was listening to the podcast I was basically shouting this at my phone. I know it might not be seen as a highly intellectual show or what have you, but killing off main characters is pretty much a trademark of Game of Thrones at this point. For better or for worse.
  2. We knew that Bob was inhabiting Josie for a while now right? I feel like everyone thinks Bob's appearance is just the show trying to reuse old imagery, but Bob possessed Josie right after he left Leeland right? But I will agree having the dancing guy back is a bit much.
  3. Amazing! That was an awesome watch, if for no other reason for seeing what the show looked like when it broadcasted. It's also hilarious to see people get upset over the fact the killer wasn't revealed. You can understand their disappointment, but in hindsight, it doesn't even seem like a cliffhanger.