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Everything posted by foxprostate

  1. Far Cry 4: A grenade rolls down everest

    I've got a few hours in this game now and I love it. If you aren't blowing stuff up, riding elephants, and stabbing badgers within the first hour then you are playing it wrong. Anyway, I have a decent computer and noticed the stuttering as well. Here's how to fix it, if you are running an Nvidia card (I have a 770): Open up Nvidia Control Panel (usually from the system tray). Click Manage 3D Settings under the 3D Settings section of the list near the left of the window. Go to the Program Settings tab, add Far Cry 4 for a custom profile. Change Maximum Pre-rendered frames to 3, and set Power Management to Prefer Maximum Performance. Click Apply. Now open C:\Users\[YOUR USER NAME]\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\[a bunch of letters and numbers]\GamerProfile.xml with a text editor. Change GPUMaxBufferedFrames="0" to GPUMaxBufferedFrames="1". Save, close, open FC4, enjoy silky smooth video.