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Posts posted by elvaq

  1. There's a great collection of Weird short stories edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer. It's just called The Weird and I have found it a great thing to have on e-reader and phone. It covers a broad range of stuff that fits into the genre, across many decades and styles.


    The last one I read from that was Algernon Blackwood's "The Willows" which was super-excellent.


    Amazon linky

  2. Trello is my pick for task management, really helps with the not forgetting anything on a project long term. I'd probably use Pivotal Tracker if I was on a larger project/team but Trello scales really well from personal use to small groups


    But day to day I can forget to use it so a combination of txt files and pen&paper lists help me keep focus and priority while working.


    Rescue Time is indeed very cool and is extremely interesting, if not potentially life-changing.



    Google Docs & Sheets for any big hairy project design & documentation. Keep is good for not forgetting random stuff when away from desk but I 'keep' forgetting to flush it regularly

  3. Solo GDC is kind of rough yeah. If you want to meet up or just have someone with common interests to talk to shoot me an email, [email protected] and we can try and make something happen.


    Aw man, I just saw this! Because GDC is incredibly hectic and disorienting and yeah, I found that I actually know a lot more people here than I realized!! If you're still in town tomorrow I'd love to grab a drink and chat. Hit me up on twitter @taylormorris (my email response rate is pretty much 0 this week)


    The point is that regardless of the subject matter, when you casually toss around offensive terms you're expressing an unconscious ideology in the language you use, the intent behind which is entirely opaque to the listener. So even if you're not around retarded people, you're presenting an ideology that normalizes the treatment of mental retardation as socially unacceptable or "bad".


    This is a super good explanation.


    Also describing stuff as "crazy," even if it's positive, is starting to bug me and I don't think that makes me... foolish?

  4. Going solo at GDC this year and I'm kind of feeling weird. I have a job starting next week so I don't really have anything to promote and nobody from my hometown area to hang out with. I've got a small handful of friends in the general games community but I'm guessing it'll be a long awkward week and I'm already planning to spend a good amount of time in the park just scribbling design notes for future side projects.


    Anyone else in this GDC boat? I'm down for a mini-meetup anytime and will definitely be at Lost Levels (and Wild Rumpus) tomorrow

  5. This is something I think about a lot too, because it would be pretty cool if there were more games out there without violence. I believe it's a huge turn-off for a lot of people who otherwise might get into games.


    Unfortunately, my design wheelhouse seems to be in action/arcade games which are maybe the most prone to combat/violence... And any abstraction of combat just seems to be just a bit silly.


    Flower is a great example, maybe classic arcade stuff like Tapper too. Sorting and tidying up seem like good themes (Chibi Robo anyone?)


    Anyone else have good examples of action/arcade stuff?

  6. TIGSource is probably best if only in that the most visible is probably best. I would guess it's the most popular place overall. But there are also nicer places like Makega.me and as mentioned, Glorious Trainwrecks. Also dual-posting to Tumblr and maybe Reddit is a good idea, especially if you have lots of GIFs (you should have lots of GIFs)