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Everything posted by Gaizokubanou

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Sometimes "could have" is actually strong enough to warrant a response though. This mostly falls into the category of dangers stemming from recklessness. Think DWI/DUI here. Clearly this isn't anything of that sort though so yeah, that doesn't apply for this but just wanted to mention that "could have happened" is valid concern sometimes
  2. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    Recording sounds 'ok' but yeah, it just sounds 'ok'. I'll have to get something better for the future but for now I'll sort of exist as backup cause I can be available for almost any time but my mic is just so-so.
  3. I just Googled both of them and lol they both look so much alike (to me)! kekeke
  4. Episode 300: Vietnam '65

    I only played Endless Legend out of the list that sclpls listed and ai/balance was a huge issue in the game becoming 'hollow' IMO. Like spacerumsfeld said, Civ4 is an alternative of similar board-game-like strategy game that, IMO, is anything but hollow. Civ4 vanilla is about as mechanically complex as Endless Legend, but EL suffers from some glaring imbalances that makes most of the complexity just unnecessary and is unable to draw 'depth' out of it.
  5. That screenshot looks more like my game development software than any games I actually play. For better and (mostly) worse.
  6. Just Googled this game and damn, this is new release? I guess I never played 'wargame' in the strictest sense so the idea of this kind of archaic UI being part of 2015 release from a veteran developer just seem so strange and surreal to me. It looks like someone is trying to make a game on Planetary Annihilation's scale using Dune 2's UI.
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Because one of the five pieces of shit will be force fed to you whether you vote or not. So why not pick the smallest and least foul option?
  8. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    I'm brand new to recording so thanks, I would have overlooked stuff like that and made a mess of it
  9. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    I hope my mic works out because I actually watched Little Witch Academia and have some thoughts on it
  10. Stealing

    I got through more of it (breaking seems random) so with your web-game in mind, yes, it's a complex question whether something should be 'protected/respected' as IP or not, and the examples given in that web-game, IMO, falls outside of the protection because all of them just seem so generic. With that game in mind, your posts read like genuine critical questions (as they are) than trollbait that I thought they were Now if you were to throw in Sanic (intentional spelling) fanart into the mix, that would get really murky IMO as it's something of a product of iconic character and social meme.
  11. anime

    I actually mentioned it not as a praise to that show, but to poke fun at its uber laziness
  12. Stealing

    Post. I tried the playable but the image broke after the first low res question (or was that the intended image?). Edit: Ok re-loading the image, dude if this is seriously what you wanted to discuss then you should get far less trollish OP (which read more like "I want to copy "insert famous IP" and just rip all the assets of my game after it"). Obviously the idea of 'reference-vs-copying' gets murky as heck when the designs get into the area of these generic patterns or objects. I suggest that at the very least, that web-game be linked in OP. Edit2: It really broke after the 2nd image this time, won't go forward or anything.
  13. Stealing

    Well it just sounds like you and I share completely different personal ethics. You have, you just don't want to bother with it Ask for permission (not that hard), if they say no or don't answer (most likely), go with satirical reference (look-a-like). Unless you are doing educational/documentary/etc. (obviously news coverage doesn't need to ask 'permission' to refer to someone by their name). But for fiction, go with above. If you don't want to bother, well then I have nothing else to say.
  14. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    Going to test audacity and few of my poor mics to see if any of them are worthwhile.
  15. anime

    I think you would do well You seem knowledgeable about the topic (anime), and hosting is more about letting people speak and making sure the topic changes to keep the conversation moving anyways. Kind of like interview in a way, host provokes good responses out of guests. Obviously to do that, knowledge on the subject matter helps and I think you have plenty for that.
  16. Auteur anime directors- an overdone list

    What's with that guy and hating things he make?
  17. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    Patrick R raises an interesting suggestion... so is local recording going to be required? If so, what software is recommended here?
  18. Auteur anime directors- an overdone list

    Don't forget Nadia, but IDK how much he was directly involved in that.
  19. Stealing

    So would you be ok with someone taking image of you and using it for anything? Think through all the possibilities here. It's not about fear of public representation, it's fear of public MIS-representation. As for just copying assets, don't expect to monetize it then it should be fine. Else don't be mad if people do the same with your game.
  20. anime

    Eh I think your post came off fine, don't worry about it. Have you seen Gundam SEED BTW? Everyone looks the same in that show except for extras and older guys getting narrower eyes.
  21. anime

    I recall a discussion about MOE aesthetics while back but can't recall the specifics (nor what page they were on)... so what about it is giving you the ill-feels? I mean if they were to just throw in this kind of looks into the show I don't think any of us will like the show better for it. But I get that everyone looking same-ish can tick off some warning signs so I'm curious exactly how it bothers you.
  22. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

    I actually saw that video few weeks ago! But I'm just failing to find things in it as offensive... like they are 'lewd' or 'dirty' things in the game, but I think more is required for something to be offensive otherwise my bathroom after I do my 2 would be one really offensive locale.
  23. Ouran Boast Club - Planning an Anime Podcast

    Dooo iiittttt I would like to participate eventually once I get a better mic and if I haven't pissed off others by that point
  24. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Clearly not all 'speech' are equal (not talking about values before I get quoted out of context )... like imperative statements are closer to action than say, normative statements. I think distinctions can be made through those categories.
  25. anime

    I'm partly jealous that you guys watch so much anime and partly glad that I don't XD Is Death Parade 'good' as in execution wise or was it a surprise good (I read through all the episode synopsis on wiki (this is just something I do with everything))?