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Everything posted by talon

  1. The plot of Final Fantasy Tactics is actually lighter than its creator's previous game Tactics Ogre (also remade on the PSP). There, you had to decide if you are going to participate in a false flag genocide operation at the end of the first chapter. But, Final Fantasy Tactics' plot does deserve a better description. The framing device for the game is a historical revisionist account of the War of the Lions by a decedent of Cid's adopted son, Orlan Durai. Orlan was tried and executed for heresy by the church sometimes after the ending of the game because of his accounts of the war. The documents was supposedly destroyed by the church, but later rediscovered by Orlan's decedent. The plot takes place from the aftermath of the Fifty Year's War and the entirety of The War of the Lions. The podcast mentioned Holy Roman Empire's Thirty Year's War as a real life inspiration for the story. However, due to the question of succession being the central political narrative of the game, I think the real life inspirations are The Hundred Year's War and the War of Roses. In that soup of real medieval politics, Square Enix adds a very cynical? expy of the Catholic Church, hoping to gain influence by mediating peace between the warring houses. The sour cream garnish on top is the Demon worshiping fraction within the church seeking to revive their leader a supposed messianic figure obscured by time and legends. If this did not come out at roughly the same time as A Game of Thrones (Tactics came out a year later, I am not sure when A Game of Thrones was translated to Japanese), you can probably deride it as a copy cat. Amid all of the above is a personal story between two childhood friends (Ramza & Delita) dealing with their difference in class, success in life, love and family. The family part of the story is often little discussed. Delita's start of darkness is the death of his sister, who was sacrificed for military political expediency. He ends up putting Ramza in the same situation at the end of the game. We, as player, was never asked to make the decision, it was assumed that we would risk it all without question to keep a deathbed promise to our father. If you ever finish the game and like the pre-rendered cinematic, you might want to read Possessions: A Romance by A. S. Byatt, the end of both employs the exact same trope. A quirky strategy/rpg game series not mentioned above is 7: The Calvary of Molmoth and its sequel, Venus and Brave. It is very similar to XCOM, yet so different and tons more sex, in fact you get to decide.