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About mattgrecocreative

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  • Birthday 06/08/1987

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    New York


  • Occupation
    Creative Director
  1. The End of Mad Men: "Severance"

    I sent this into the cast as well, but I really was curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this. I thought this episode showed a great, and troubling, range of Don dealing with the loss of several women from his life. In the first scene in the diner, when Don is telling a story to three women and Roger, he carefully makes sure to call his childhood home a boarding house, not a whorehouse, effectively avoiding having to speak about those women. Later on at his apartment, Don is with a new woman who spills red wine on the carpet. This is the exact spot where Don "murdered" another woman from his past in a fever dream (Madchen Amick from Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks Rewatch). As Don covers the wine stain and they begin to get intimate, she finds an earring of Megan's under the bed, which Don speaks ostensibly lightly of and throws away. And finally, looming largest over the episode is Rachel Katz/Menken.
  2. Twin Peaks Rewatch 5: The One-Armed Man

    Chris and Jake talking about the Hank-Josie cliffhanger of this episode, and then Jake mentioning "JJ Abrams cliffhangers" for a moment made me think of something. While I could never say in full confidence that with Lost, JJ Abrams (but more so Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse; the actual showrunners) were the first to put a cliffhanger before every commercial, they definitely made it a huge trend in today's serialized golden age. (I think this technique was made even more noticeable by the ever-present trombone "bwaaaAAAAHHHH" right before a scene would cut.) IMO, this actually used the structure of commercial breaks in an inventive way. And this made me made me wonder if the Twin Peaks revival had been picked up by a network with commercials if we would see something like this. The majority of the Twin Peaks episodes usually operate on a low-key level. Yet it'd be odd to see a show now a days that didn't leave you hanging at least a bit before each break. Even a lot of comedies do this now. We know this won't be a problem with Twin Peaks being on Showtime, but I often think about what Twin Peaks could've looked like on different networks or in different time periods.
  3. Twin Peaks Rewatch 5: The One-Armed Man

    Oh god, the restaurant critic! It's things like that and the James-and-the-cougar storyline that are making me dread some parts on the horizon of this re-watch...
  4. Twin Peaks Rewatch 5: The One-Armed Man

    So well put. It's like in The Room (also mentioned above by another user); by all accounts the horrible acting/everything was not intentional, but then you can use the revisionist defense of "wasn't it so off-putting, creepy, idiosyncratic?" "No, it was actually just bad. You're not fooling me." With Twin Peaks I'd be willing to bet most takes chosen in the edit were intentional though. Just wanted to touch on this though.
  5. Twin Peaks Rewatch 5: The One-Armed Man

    I have to blame myself for that one, I lazily used the first term that came to my mind, which was buckets. And you're right, a slider is a much better way of describing it. As for that quote from Ray Wise, that's interesting about filming
  6. Twin Peaks Rewatch 5: The One-Armed Man

    This is really eloquently and wisely said. I don't think everyone sorts their lives into buckets like this, or these exact buckets, but it is definitely true of a lot of people. I just wanted to mention one thing about your comment on
  7. Twin Peaks Rewatch 4: Rest in Pain

    That is definitely a standard thing, but I guarantee it's for no reason other than it's a TV show, and there is only a certain amount of time in an episode, and money for shooting on location.
  8. Scott's piece is incredible. He even has the right details on the chalkboard. His episode with Bagel, Peter Chan, Levi, Lee, etc. in the Broken Age documentary was amazing. Anyway, this made me remember my favorite part of the rock-throwing scene: Andy determined to declare that getting hit in the head "didn't hurt at all", followed by Truman's sick burn on him.
  9. Just a note to Chris: Albert calls Lucy in his introductory scene "Curly" (as in her curly hair) not "Carly/Carlie."
  10. Korax posting a gif of Lucy sticking her tongue out made me think of other gestural insults we don't do from the 90's anymore. 1) Flipping people off, but with your ring finger, so you were allowed to. 2) Brushing your throat with your fingers out towards the person. 3) The thing where you karate-chopped with one arm into the crook of your other arm, raising its fist. 4) "Suck it." Other than this moment with Lucy though, Twin Peaks may not serve as the best show to remind us of anymore forgotten things of the era. It certainly is timeless and of its own world.
  11. They also both have uncomfortably-extended scenes of women dancing over music. Audrey in the diner this episode and the blond woman in the hotel (or whatever it was) room in Wicker Man.
  12. That's a great way to put it. Or even when he might not be fitting in that well, he still marvels at what he's seeing every day and is so glad to be in the world. Case in point: when he warns Truman about Albert not being good with social niceties, and after Albert starts insulting everything, Cooper just keeps looking over at Truman with a grin that says, "see? Isn't he exactly what I said?"
  13. Twin Peaks Rewatch 2: Traces to Nowhere

    Agreed with Chris. I even remember the tone of the shots as Josie makes her announcement to the mill workers as nothing but grief-stricken, while her voice and face are empathetic towards that.
  14. Twin Peaks Rewatch 2: Traces to Nowhere

    My fault, doesn't matter whether we think it was good or not, still technically a spoiler. Fixed it above.
  15. Twin Peaks Rewatch 2: Traces to Nowhere

    All the great talk about Josie and Joan Chen and how she felt about her character makes me think of all the unfortunate handling of minority characters on Seinfeld. About her malapropisms specifically, anytime Michael Scott would make one of those in The favorite thing ever. No comment on the show's handling of them at all, just sprang to mind. As I was watching Nadine's scene, I was struggling to find a way in, to not tune out.