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Everything posted by Malfsyde

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    No. Actually, it's about ethics in french fry scavenging.
  2. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Ciri is hinted at in the first game, but it's more of an easter egg. I don't think they were expecting to put her in the later games, and so they created a similar character with Alvin
  3. I recently purchased ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ on Steam. Do the title and subtitle both really need trademark icons? TRADEMARCEPTION
  4. Oculus rift

    Yeah it seems like an extremely difficult problem to solve for Oculus/Facebook alone. At some point you're just dealing with layers of Windows jank and the infinite possibilities of software conflicts. Any time there is a hitch in the application the head tracking stops so it breaks the illusion and just makes you feel ill. I've pretty much gutted my Windows installation to make this thing work as reliably as possible, and every time I get one game/demo working is looks like another one breaks. It it really needs a pure and stripped down operating environment with as few variables as possible. If only there was an OS that is lightweight and handy for developers, free and open source. Hmm.... can't imagine what that would be.
  5. The Black Glove kickstarter

    I wouldn't mind it being a walking simulator, especially if the alternative is that awful arcade thing. I kinda wished Bioshock: Infinite had throw out all or most of its combat and just let me explore the environment, but then that game would have never be made. I don't know if I want to play this thing, but I do want it to get made.
  6. The Black Glove kickstarter

    This is leaving me conflicted. On the one hand I was frustrated that Bioshock: Infinite obviously had a large number of talented artists behind it that were kind of wasted on what was basically another bombastic and formulaic shootyman game. I'd hoped they would get a chance to make something that was actually better suited to them, and it's not surprising that this game is about the creative process. On the other hand I have no idea what this game actually is, and stylistically it is all over the place. These sorts of "weird" games usually have a difficult time getting crowd-funding support. Also that minotaur thing looks like butt.
  7. Alien Isolation - The nightmare of Milky Joe

    I don't think that's reasonable. You don't know that the people asking for realism are the same people complaining about it when it's implemented. There is a sliding scale of realism and most people will fall in the middle, so any game at either extreme will have its critics. Just because "life is unfair" doesn't mean games should be. In fact I would argue that a game that is inherently unfair and doesn't follow clearly defined rules is poor game design. EDIT: Nothing I have seen from Isolation is unfair, I'm not arguing against that example.
  8. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

    The titles of this games gives me an aneurysms every times I reads its.
  9. Other podcasts

    Damn it now I just want the Idle Thumbs equivalent of a podcast that talks about Dark Souls every second episode instead of Far Cry 2.
  10. Get Capcom to name it Ultra Super Windows 2015 Desktop Edition Turbo EX Plus Alpha
  11. Alien Isolation - The nightmare of Milky Joe

    Waiting for the Patrick Klepek review since he seems to want the same thing from this game that I do. It sounds like it suffers from the same problem that Miasmata did though, and that game was even shorter. It got to a point where it wasn't scary anymore, it was just a nuisance when you actually wanted to get stuff done. In addition Isolation sounds like it has an even worse problem of eventually abandoning the core concept for typical AAA game action sequences. *fart sound*
  12. Wasteland 2

    Sweet review from Super Bunnyhop. "Wasteland 2 is a grower, not a shower."
  13. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    He's just not a very original character. They even have the same depresso back story of having their family murdered, which at this point is almost as cliché as having Amnesia. Some reviews have stated that you need to behead them to kill them for reals. If you can't do a finisher maybe have him fight on your side and he might die in battle.
  14. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    Yeah John Walker mentioned in his review that he almost got to the end of the game when it told him he had to go back and do everything else he missed before he could finish, including stuff right back at the start.
  15. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Kind of bummed out that the Nemesis system is used in this Arkham/Assassin's Creed type game that I don't really care for. It could really add a lot to other open world games. Still glad that people are coming up with ideas that are system and AI driven, whereas many of these main character open world games are so motivated by just have loads of filler content to push through.
  16. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    L.A. Noire has ones of the worst endings to a game I have ever put myself through, so it's good to get out early. I liked it in the early stages as well, but as it goes on it seems to not really understand its source material. The game feels like someone watched Chinatown, but fell asleep half way through and woke up watching Die Hard instead.
  17. Wasteland 2

    Assault rifles and Snipers seem to be pretty much the best and only necessary firearms in the game. Shotguns are next to useless since to get in range to be effective you're almost close enough to just use melee weapons anyway, which seem to be balanced pretty fairly against firearms.
  18. Myst-a-likes?

    Some awesome games in here. I Kickstarted an upcoming game a while ago called XING: The Land Beyond which reminded me a lot of Myst tonally, though they've talked about doing more environmental and physics based puzzles rather than classic abstract Myst puzzles.
  19. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I gave up when I got to the white strobe room where you can barely see the black platforms because the lights appear to move constantly. I couldn't walk around in there for more than 60 seconds before feeling like I needed to throw up, I thought the game was glitching out or something. Then I looked at a YouTube clip and saw that it was a normal part of the game. =/
  20. Alien Isolation - The nightmare of Milky Joe

    Oh man this game. Please don't suck, please don't be broken. I should be getting my DK2 Rift shortly before this game comes out and this is top of my list of games to try it on.
  21. When I recommend Primer to people, I justify why it is so opaque on the first watch is because a major theme of the film is that there are some aspects about the fundamental workings of the Universe that simple ego-minded humans absolutely can not fathom, let alone try to exploit for their own means.
  22. Feminism

    The space-age spandex that magically conforms to every contour and crevice is a ridiculous look on male and female superheroes so I like a more down to earth outfit, but something about this is real off for me. I think it is the way she is posed like a teenage model from a Target catalogue. I don't know if it is supposed to reflect the tone of the comic, but it looks like it is pushing hard to make her look like a savvy young fashionista who posts selfies on Facebook after fighting bad guys because yolo. Still better than being a thinly veiled fetish model I suppose. It kind of puts into perspective just how silly the idea of superhero costumes are in the first place.
  23. Gripe about/discuss stuff you have to read for school

    double post.... I always accidentally quote instead of edit.
  24. Gripe about/discuss stuff you have to read for school

    A dumb sentence but makes sense in the context of how Sartre uses "being" and "bad faith." That always pissed me off about philosophy - the appropriation of generic terms to redefine them with ultra-specific meanings that is only used by a handful of people so you need a glossary for each writer just to penetrate their text. I understand that language is this incomplete and imperfect tool that can not match the complexity of human thought so perhaps it's not fair to strictly blame philosophers especially when so many of them are non-English natives, but at least begin them with capital letters to denote them as being specific named terms.
  25. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I gave up on NaissanceE after about 3 hours. I bought it on a whim when it was on sale a few days ago, but despite the striking architecture it is overshadowed by tedious first person jumping and obtuse level design. Obtuse not because it is overly difficult - because it is rather easy - it is just so far removed from anything grounded that progression isn't very satisfying. I suppose that might be the appeal to some people. This game feels like the Xen levels of Half-Life extended to what must be 6 hours give or take. God this game would be so much more interesting if it was more of a Myst style puzzle/adventure game instead of a platformer.