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Posts posted by ByDefault

  1. Played a couple of hours so far, feeling the same hooks claw their way into me like Destiny managed. Playing on the Xbox One where my friends list is much smaller though which means so far there's hardly ever been a case of someone else being on at the same time as me. Anyone else here on the XB please feel free to add me: By Default.

    Would be nice to populate the world map a bit more with other players. 

  2. Yes that was SouthSeaFest


    Fareham for life!


    Ha, I was sure I'd seen that picture before then I noticed the bouncer with a Wedgewood rooms shirt on. I live about a minutes walk from the Wedge and at the time that photo was taken I'm pretty sure I was passed out on my sofa next to a kebab after many hours of too much SouthseaFesting. A good day as always!

  3. I listened! Daft Souls is great and so is Regular Features.


    Regular Features is one of the podcasts I can't listen to while on a run as it's made me laugh out loud and caused people to stare far too many times. People should definitely seek it out if they're fans of Daft Souls (or if they've never heard of either!)

  4. Bungie needs to fix the inability to properly punish those who quit out of matches. I don't know what it is about the Iron Banner stuff that people seem to be worried about losing, but my team lost 2 or 3 times in a row because we didn't immediately pull into the lead and half the team dropped out.

    I'm sure that I read somewhere that you only get Iron Banner rep if you win the game, nothing if you lose which would explain why people are dropping out mid match. No penalty system for quitting means it's easier and quicker to just jump into a new game instead.

  5. Finally had my first Legendary drop tonight - Shotgun, quickly followed by my 2nd - auto rifle. Now only a small amount of crucible rep before I hit rank 2 and I can finally buy a few pieces with my big stack of marks, to get me above lvl 24. Destiny has its hooks in me again it seems.

    Anybody attempted the raid yet?

  6. There are also Grimoire upgrades that give bonus upgrade materials when you harvest them or open chests. See Grimoire -> Places -> Relevant Planet -> Card of Region



    Only found out about this stuff yesterday, had no idea the Grimoire card stuff was giving me bonuses/boosts etc. Just figured they were Bungies achievements equivalent. They reeeaaaally made all this stuff easy to see, huh.

  7. Fifa 15s release has significantly slowed down my Destiny progress. Are people still finding the endgame compelling? I hit level 24 but running strikes/crucible over and over without any loot gains wore me out a bit. Shame because when at it's best the game is fantastic, just finiding hard to fit in time for it between Fifa and the soon to be out Shadow of Mordor.

  8. There's no matchmaking for anyone else on the weekly heroic strike right? Every time I've tried to jump into it, I just end up on my own. Don't see the reasoning for leaving it out when normal strikes are all automatic co-op?


    Man, I so wish that random co-op was an option for every mission in the game, I'd actually go back and play them.

  9. Just a tiny slither from hitting level 24 but still yet to find any Legendary stuff :(


    Quick question about PvP faction stuff, sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere and I've missed it. I've got a whole bunch of Crucible marks, enough to get myself some stuff from the vendor but my I've still got a little way to go till I hit Crucible rep lvl 2. Yet to look at any of the other faction stuff, just wondering if I now go and buy something from one of them and start grinding rep for a faction, do I stop getting rep for use with the main Crucible vendors? Are the Crucible guys basically just their own faction? Just wondering when I should look at buying faction gear.


    I've just said faction too much in my head and now that word's lost all meaning.    

  10. I use a pulse rifle in PVE and alternate between a pulse rifle and auto rifle in PVP depending on what kind of stuff the alternate team is using.


    There goes my blaming it on using a pulse rifle excuse. Since about level 10, the only decent weapons I've had drop for me have all been pulse rifles which is why I've really gotten used to them for PvE stuff. Need to get used to keeping anything else for PvP and not just discarding it for the monies and materials straight away.

  11. Talking about the Cabal, did anyone else thoroughly enjoy the change of music when you first come into contact with their Legionaries (sorry, 40k space marines) on Mars. It all started to feel a bit like something out of a Monty Python film.

  12. Have had a convenient week off work due to house moving and birthday so I've ended up putting quite a bit more time then usual into the game so far. It's definitely got that, oh just one more go feel to it, even though for the most part the mission/strikes structure all feels the same. Have hit the level cap (so many boxes sitting in my house still unpacked, shit) and have started doing some of the random higher level Strikes to get gear so we'll see how much longer it can keep my interest. So far having a lot of fun though. 

  13. Realised my fire team setup was set to friends only so I've changed that, hopefully means more people can jump into games I'm doing. Bungie are the absolute best at perfecting just how good the basic gameplay feels which more than makes up for my other issues. Really looking forward to doing more of the Strike missions/raids. Co-op is easily where the game shines it feels like.

  14. Have put in a fair few hours over the last couple of days, so far feeling a bit mixed about it. Think having played the last few Halo games through, co-op only, has ruined the single player stuff for me a bit, just don't really enjoy doing any of the missions on my own.

    When I do manage to join up with others though is when I'm having ridiculous amounts of fun, Strike missions especially. Just wish there was an easier way to get into co-op, even just randoms, on the regular quests.