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Everything posted by watters50

  1. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Yeah I meant the Stalker complete pack, but thanks for the advice i'll consider it.
  2. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I'm having trouble on what I should get in the last day of the sale: Alien Isolation, South park tsot, Stalker complete or DayZ. I only have enough for one, so recommendations?
  3. Personal or general consensus of video gamers in general? Because my personal Goat would be Splinter cell chaos theory but I know the masses wouldn't agree.
  4. I have a collection of 73 games that I have found in 2nd hand shops, just to name a few : Battlefield 2, F.E.A.R, Soldier of Fortune 1, two copies of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Doom 3, Civ 4, AoE 1 & 2, Halo 1 & 2 for pc and Half life 1 with expansions, just to name a few. Has anybody else found anything like this or is it just me?
  5. Really good/older games found in 2nd hand shops

    I was just interested as I am from New Zealand so there aren't as many games in circulation to start with, so when I find an older game in a 2nd hand shop it's quite a rare occurrence.
  6. whatcha been playing?

    Yeah I managed to find an original copy in a 2nd hand shop for $1!
  7. Luftrausers

    um, would you care to elaborate?
  8. Luftrausers

    Does anybody else find the controls just right or a bit dodgy?
  9. whatcha been playing?

    Blade runner (1997) It's this really cool 90's westwood point and click adventure game set in the same universe as the classic 80's film, I hope they eventually port it to gog.com as it deserves.
  10. Games giveaway

    I have -50% off Nidhogg -50% off Payday 2 -Papers Please -Monaco Pm me if you are interested.
  11. Games giveaway

    Thanks for the heads up and yes, it is
  12. Games giveaway

    I have a spare batman arkham origins dlc pack if anyone is keen
  13. Games giveaway

    So sorry for any disturbances in the force.
  14. Games giveaway

    My friend told me about the podcasts and forums and they seemed pretty awesome and I just happened upon this.
  15. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hey Hey Hey!
  16. Games giveaway

    oh okay didn't know about that rule sorry
  17. Games giveaway

    whoops Quote
  18. Games giveaway

    Could I perhaps have fez? It would be greatly appreciated MultiQuote