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About Lasthund

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  1. Ah. I missed that. I guess that's what I get for just skimming the page and then linking it. That changes the tone of the reader letter a bit if you ignore the swedish connection.
  2. The conversation about kicking corpses made me think of the bite-sized adventure game spoof McPixel where one of the primary ways of interacting with pretty much anything is kicking it. I played it quite some time ago and my memory of it is hazy but it wouldn't surprise me if there is kicking corpses somewhere in it (You can kick a tombstone in the online demo at There's not really any explicit character development in the game but the actions available to the main character paints him pretty clearly as an asshole. I'm also new here on the forums although I've been listening to the podcast for about a year now. This episode seemed to draw out quite a few lurkers. P.S. As a swede the conversation about being "hot-livered" was amusing. It seems like it's a term in english too though, at least according to wiktionary (