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About West

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  1. No, your understanding of the term is correct and I agree with you. I think the confusion comes more from the tumblr post than anything else. The post says she is being discriminated against because people don't like her because she's different, but it also states that she is being discriminated against because she is disabled. However, the post doesn't identify Sarah's disability, it just states that she is disabled. Likewise, the game doesn't distinctly say that she has a disability, and also doesn't seem to suggest that she has one either. Abelism is a form of discrimination that is distinctly targeted at people with disabilities, not just people who are different in some way. In that context, I think the post is actually insensitive of people who actually have a disability. My younger brother has Down Syndrome, so maybe I'm a bit more sensitive to the topic, but I think it's wrong to label someone as disabled if they don't actually have a disability, which seems to be the case here.
  2. I'm familiar with this phrasing as well, although in the context of the game I had the same reading as twig. Something interesting though is that in season one Kenny uses similar phrases to describe Duck, and in that context I got a much stronger feeling of possible neurodivergence than I ever did with Sarah.
  3. Did anyone else read Sarah as anyone other than a character that was a bit flighty and sheltered? That tumblr post seemed to take it for granted that she was neurodivergent, and yet I haven't seen anything in the game that really makes that a given or even likely scenario. I find it hard to imagine that Telltale possesses the subtlety and precision required to purposefully present a disabled or neurodivergent character without giving her a distinctly disabled attributes; whether it be autism, dsylexia or even something with physical representation like Down Syndrome. I'm not trying to defend what Greg Miller and the Telltale employees said in the interview, because I think they were pretty disrespectful to Sarah as a character, and if she was an actual person their behavior would be pretty appalling. However, given the language of the tumblr post and that site's proclivity for misplacing or misrepresenting their anger, it seems to me that Telltale wasn't being ableist shitty, they were just being regularly shitty.
  4. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello to all. I'm a long time reader who hasn't played a video game since March, emulating the great Jake "Video Games" Rodkin I guess. Because of that I've just been lurking without much to say. However, the possible return of the Idle Book Club has prompted me to finally join up, as not playing games has lead to me reading a lot of books. Anyways, happy to be here and go video games and stuff.
  5. Dune

    Don't know about Heinlein but Asimov was pretty famous for working at a typewriter and his output was absolutely ridiculous. Off the top of my head I know he is published in every section of the Dewey Decimal System and he published something in the realm of 500+ works.