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About partialcharge

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  1. Decks of Thumbs

    Nels, as the Twitter-botherer who asked you to make this thread, thanks! I'm really late to the party because life, but very happy to be here. =D I'll start by sharing the deck with which I'm most proud of to date, my Jinteki RP creation: Defenestration. The goal is very simply to pry open a scoring window and chuck out an agenda. Rinse, repeat. I'll write no further here, since there's a novella on that netrunnerdb link explaining how it works. On the runner side, I feel a little lost in the woods these days. I just don't even feel like I know how running is supposed to work right now, much less like I can create anything that's both effective and even mildly original. Imp, I'm really happy to see your Noise DLR deck. I took Reina DLR to a tourney a few weeks ago, and it did fairly well. Also, that Steven Wooley article made me feel really good about it. Pro-level vindication! ^___^ Still and all, I'm not enjoying a lot of personal success as a runner right now. Good thing I'm still having enough fun to keep chipping away at it. Keep running, Thumbs!