Video Games Are Juvenile

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About Video Games Are Juvenile

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  1. Idle Thumbs 152: Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    Agreed in retrospect
  2. Idle Thumbs 152: Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    "social justice warrior garbage" does not imply "social justice is garbage and Danielle brings it up too much" "social justice is garbage" is essentially like, a cartoon mastermind or james bond villain position on the world and utterly ridiculous to assume anyone is arguing
  3. Idle Thumbs 152: Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    This is frankly a terrible attitude. You're basically prejudging hate speech before it's said. You're like an email filter trying to evaluate what someone is saying based on what heuristics trigger, and unwilling to examine someone beyond what cluster of internet arguments they might be parroting. Until someone says something, you can't attribute that to them. No, it wasn't. Thanks for making my point about attacking what you think I'm saying rather than what I'm saying I didn't blame the team, I said someone is out of sync with the others in terms of what's been said to me. I assume everyone N-1 on the moderation team is totally on the level and consistent
  4. Idle Thumbs 152: Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    I haven't been rude or offensive. No one actually knows my positions because everyone has been more eager to jump down my throat at what they imagine me to be than to actually have a discussion
  5. Idle Thumbs 152: Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    Someone on the moderation staff is being hypocritical because I was promised I wouldn't be banned for discussing issues in a non profane way by Jake in the text for the discussion of episode 146 about halfway down page 5 and yet now I am banned on the "video games are childish" user account. It's not even letting me be "talked at to death" because I could not view any content or responses whatsoever