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Everything posted by jennegatron

  1. I don't listen to any of the GB properties so i can't speak to similarities but the recently launched Polygon Show (hosted by 4 women - Simone DeRochefort - video producer, Allegra Frank - News reporter, Ashley Oh - Social Media Manager, Chelsea Stark - News Editor) has a video game news segment, what they're playing & then listener ?'s. It comes in at ~1 hr weekly so they don't cover that wide a variety of stuff as the large GB eps, but I really like it. I supplement it with the Besties (Justin & Griffin McElroy, Chris Plante, Russ Frushstick) who once a month talk about their favorite games of the previous month.
  2. merritt k hosts a podcast about dads called dadfeelings and August is Star Trek month. last week was Jean-Luc Picard and this week is Benjamin Sisko it's a very good podcast and I recommend you check it out (and a bunch of the other episodes as well!)
  3. Road Trip Recommendations

    Also - I'm going to take the Pikachu selfie stick that @Dinosaursssssss gave me at the GDC thumbs meetup to take pictures
  4. Masculinity

    everyone process stuff at their own rate. There is no value in coming to a conclusion if you don't feel confident im explaining to yourself why you came to that conclusion. we're all expected to have the hottest and rightest take moments after it happens and that's not particularly productive or enlightening. i hope nick apologizes to the people he hurt directly. i hope that this being taken seriously means that we can hold men accountable for their actions in the future. its okay to feel confused or upset about this. Its important to continue thinking about what you're feeling and why you're feeling it, even after the 24 news cycle has churned through this and on to something else.
  5. Masculinity

    He posted this apology
  6. Masculinity

    I would absolutely agree that self-reliance is coded as a masculine trait. Not just as a sign of physical ability, but also as an economic one. It is 'feminine' to rely on a male provider, which is why things like women entering the workforce decades ago and becoming the primary earner today are seen to be so emasculating. It's why women would live with their families until a suitor was able to prove that he could provide for her so that she could leave to become his property instead of her father's. The man is the farmer and the woman is the farmer's wife. The farmer can exists on his own but the farmer's wife cannot.
  7. I Had A Random Thought...

    This is my favorite guy of that style
  8. Wet Hot American Summer

    I've never seen my SO laugh as hard as he did when Paul Rudd sings
  9. DOTA 2

    there are so many actually despicable men in dota that i can't imagine wasting my disdain on someone as goofy and weird as envy.
  10. DOTA 2

    your boy ppd said that envy is his favorite player to watch. long live clown 9
  11. DOTA 2

    Judging from your behavior in Nick's streams, C9 isn't the only thing you seem to feel obligated to be rude about.
  12. DOTA 2

  13. tabacco for president 4 ever
  14. DOTA 2

    #1 Aui_2000 fan. @QUOTE_ME_IF_EE_BUYS_PIPE clown 9 #2 🤡 🤡 🤡
  15. The McElroy Family of Products

    if you all want to talk about Nick please make a separate thread. I would rather not have this thread, a thread i created to share things that make me happy, overtaken by something that is only tangentially related.
  16. The Business cast they recorded is VERY podburglars in tone. Podburglars is pretty funny but also hard to recommend to other people as it's kind of cringey and also weird. I really like it though.
  17. I Had A Random Thought...

    I got my ears pierced in ~1st grade, so I was 6. It's really on a by kid basis. I would wait until the kid is old enough to ask, and then also old enough to be responsible enough to clean their ears when they need to (which is regularly.) I think some of the argument is that if you get a baby's ears pierced they won't remember the pain, and also it's easier to take care of their ears and prevent infection because they're not yet mobile or old enough to run away from you when you have cleaning solution. I don't particularly ascribe to this rationale, but I can see where people are coming from. They may think they're doing their kid a favor, and if they get older and decide they don't like wearing earrings that they can just take them out, and if they change their mind again later after that, they can wear earrings again because the holes will be permanent by that point.
  18. Duolingo - TWO LANGUAGE-O

    Jut has been learning German. I'm not sure what groups do, but I'll def join.
  19. Storify is having a hard time handling the sheer magnitude of minions tweets, so I recommend clicking through some of the links for a full experience.
  20. Alright, I have to come clean about Minion Thong. I don't want to say that I'm responsible for it, but I will admit that I created the circumstances in which Minion Thong could happen and thrive. Bear with me, as this is a lot of tweets: It all started out innocently enough but it quickly spiraled out of control I collected the crimes in a storify. My heart goes out to the dear thumbs that suffered with me. A couple highlights:
  21. this is definitely up my alley, and I hope you keep updating this thread!
  22. 13 Reasons Why

    I just started watching episode two of 13 reasons why and so far I really like it? I am a sucker for fairly low stakes interpersonal dramas, so this is a pretty great version of that. I think it might be Riverdale but actually good?