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About Tylea002

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  1. Thanks, guys! It's a v. rough demo, cause I'm poor and can't afford actual instruments and what have you, so I'm glad everyone still seems to like it! Yous guys are too kind.
  2. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hey! I'm Jackson, man, it's been a while since I actually joined a new forum. You lose all the old talents growing old. But yeah, started listening to Idle Thumbs this summer, almost fully through the backlog, so joining up here for some of that sweet video game talk.
  3. Within like 2 hours of receiving that newsletter, I decided that song needed music. I don't have the best software, so I couldn't make a proper shanty, only a midi-type punky pirate thing and the result is super dumb in a way I'm totally proud of.