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About delusionsofnoir

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    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Computer games, board games, film,


  1. Recommend a book for someone. (top 10s)

    Roughly in order (some would be ties), one being the best: 1. Time Traveller's Wife (Audrey Niffenegger) 2. Stranger in a Strange Land (Robert Heinlein) 3. Neuromancer (William Gibson) 4. High Fidelity (Nick Hornby) 5. Pride and Prefjudice (Jane Austin) 6. The Road (Cormac McCarthy) 7. Dune (Frank Herbet) 8. The Stand (Stephen King) 9. The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood) 10. Red Mars (Stanley Kim Robinson) If I could recommend one series in total I'd recommend The Culture novels by Iain M Banks.
  2. The City and The City by China Mieville

    I'd definitely recommend sticking with The City and The City until the end. For me I found the initial third interesting but the middle third a little dry, by the end third I was hooked and it all come together excellently though!
  3. I think Rainbow's End by Vernor Vinge would be interesting.
  4. Books, books, books...

    Finished the Culture series by Iain M Banks recently (highly recommend!), now getting into the Amber series by Roger Zelazny (which I started reading years ago as it was recommended reading for Planescape Torment fans, but I hadn't gotten into it properly the first time around).
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Listening to... (Link to Spotify playlist)