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Posts posted by Impossidog

  1. I think I should mention why I want to make games.


    I want to have a career that allows me to make friends and make things with them, I love meeting new people and being creative with them. You have no idea how jelly I am of the Thumbs crew. Being best buddies and being able to work on something they love. ugh. the best. 

  2. Well the short version is to do to spells what Receiver did to guns. I've got other ideas to flesh it out a bit but I'm happy to shelve things while I discover technical ability and a way for the controls to not seem completely arbitrary and unfun.


    There is an old GDC talk from John Blow about prototypes and in that he made a prototype for this exact concept. He explains the problems he ran into and why he ultimately gave up on the game.

  3. Hey guys, there has been talk about making games on here and you all seem really capable at making games! If you are like me you may have some cool ideas so why not share them and get some feedback?


    I will start by pitching the game I have been working on for the past 6 months (which I have like nothing done)



    So it is a single screen Adventure Game that takes place at a bus stop. The main goal is to explore the aspect of meeting new people and using your observation skills to get a sense of what kind of person they are and what matters to them. 


    It is all about the dialogue and what the player gets from it.


    I would love to hear your feed back.



    and lets hear what ideas you have for a game! 

  4. Binary Domain is a great game, the story has its moment. I found the ending to be so campy that it ruined a lot of the experience for me.



    I haven't played The Stanley Parable yet, but does anyone know what the dialogue in that game is like? it may be the least subtle or the most from the demo I played.

  5. I have real trouble taking seriously anyone who uses the word "pretentious" as an insult against a game that tries to say something interesting. "Pretentious" as an insult is used in a way that's quite divorced from what "pretentious" actually means. The most pretentious game I've ever played is Gears of War. Spec Ops: The Line hardly rates. This video helps explain some of the reasons I think the game succeeds.


    That may be the wrong word then, I will check out the video though. 

  6. This is true.



    This is not necessarily true. If you're the kind of person who actually enjoys making games (not just playing them), it's going to be pretty tough finding another industry that will provide that same feeling of satisfaction.


    Maybe I've just been really lucky so far, but I currently have no regrets whatsoever about getting into the industry and I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing for a living.


    This. Please

  7. I think the key is to look at why you love games and how much of your life they occupy, for instance I spend about 70% of my life thinking, consuming and reading about games. I find it fascinating and I love the art of it. but to the point of it ruining relationships I am a pretty introverted person and I prefer to be occupied by my work. Crunch sounds hard but to me it sounds interesting, I want to be apart of something that makes people happy.

  8. I hope you took Tycho's other post (about working conditions etc) seriously as well. I think a lot of people would have ended up happier if they made games as a hobby rather than trying to make a career out of it. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if that would lead to a lot more interesting games as well, judging from people like Tom Francis.


    Ya, I am well aware of working conditions in the industry, I visited my friend at EA during crunch and he looked like he may die. But I love games and I would hope in the next ten years that stuff gets better

  9. I have been playing a lot more dialogue driven games in the past year and I find that I hate being out right told the implications of a plot point.

    This mostly happens in cut scenes but it is still off putting.


    Also games seem to be afraid to represent the player a bit better in cutscenes. Movies have characters that point out some of the flaws of the protagonist and are there to kinda call out them out on their bullshit. I don't know how many of you have seen Frozen by Disney, but they have a character in that movie named Olaf, he is a snowman, he is used to bring some of the weird tropes that Disney has made in the last few years and help them be addressed in a meaningful way. Correct me if I am wrong but I haven't seen many characters that do this in games, if there are please mention them I would love to see them.



    Maybe I am completely off base with this observation, I would love to hear what you guys think.

  10. Google hangouts are best used by about 10 to 15 people. If you have a google account you can just drop in and out of a call, which runs in a browser and uses a single URL even if there's no one in the call. I'll try to figure it out


    @impossidog: my engine uses mouse/keyboard, so local multiplayer would require twinstick controls with an xbox controller or some keyboard solution.


    Oh yes, hm. Have you considered a non lethal based stealth game with your engine?

  11. @impossidog: Actually I've tried to implement multiplayer in the engine, using a bunch of plugins and even Gamemaker's built in functions, but I'd have to refactor the weapons system to sync easily for all players. I eventually ran into a lot of the same problems that messhof did during the development of nidhogg, where you had to make all objects in the game react to a controller that rolls back previous states to prevent asynchronous clients, and I figured that problem was waaaay out of my skill level to solve


    But that sounds like a cool idea. If there's a way to warp the design into a single player game my work might be a little useful




    Totally recommend a google hangout instead


    Well I think the best way to implement the multiplayer would just do local, or at least the seems the easy solution. As far as I know if you are doing local multiplayer there would only be one game state running? But I think you engine would work great with some of the things I have designed.


    Also a Google hangout would be pretty rad. We may need to use mumble based on how many people want to be in the call?