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About Phokal

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  1. Do you remember which episode of gootex and mike ross that you started at or were directed to? I'd be curious in watching the same playlist. I'm guessing this one?
  2. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    That seems to be the trend with games these days. The lead is a total jackass but if you analyze it, it's actually a critique or there are "reasons". But most leave it too ambiguous or open ended for I have no idea. Like they all want to be the spinning top in Inception.
  3. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Could certainly be. I found re-watching the beginning to be the most interesting, followed by the CG cinematics (which, are in the Extras menu somewhere).
  4. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    I recently beat Shadow of Mordor and thought to myself “a rushed, but interesting ending.” Wondering what other people thought of it, I began to read online comments, and the topic was discussed on some of my favorite podcasts (ehem). I was a bit surprised by how others had interpreted the events of the game. While I don’t consider the story particularly strong, I have a slightly higher opinion of its direction and consistency than most. So I figured I’d lay out what I thought happens during the course of the game. This will contain heavy, *heavy* spoilers for a story you’ve been told to disregard, but proceed knowing it will ruin what might otherwise be an interesting twist.
  5. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Alright, as a new dad with a very active social life, I spent all Friday night typing this up and doing laundry. I'll make a quick test post to make sure my spoiler tags don't do anything stupid (that I do anything stupid), sleep on it, and try to find time to edit and post tomorrow.
  6. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Hi, "Long time" listener, first time poster. How are spoilers handled on the forum? I have an idea about the end that I think holds water. It's how I initially interpreted it and thought "that's clever" but I might be alone in this interpretation.