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Posts posted by Jutranjo

  1. SUSD did a great review on Arboretum and it's a simple enough game mechanics and theme wise that I think I'll be able to get family members playing. Need to play more to feel it out but placing trees in rows is pretty relaxing.

  2. You just need a network of pipes that have at least 1 source and 1 drain on it. Odds are the source wasn't big enough, you might need more water pumps. There's 2 separate demand bars that tell you which you're lacking, also an overlay of what your pipes cover. You also click the thought bubbles of "I don't have water, this city sucks" to get the camera snapped to the location of that house/building.

  3. Pillars of Eternity - The White March: Part 2 they really got the hang of it. They started adding cool loot/items in part 1, in part 2 they've already surprised me. There's a crossbow that you can bind to a party member (their soul), to increase the power of the crossbow (it shoots 2 arrows!), you need to either kill 15 things or 3 "strong souls". These are the golden plate NPCs, ie. the dumb fan inserted kickstarter backer stores. They aren't all terrible but half of them have an ever burning fire head.

  4. I enjoyed the impromptu character creation screen with a dozen different character races to choose from, with what seemed like twenty backgrounds, like Grew up in the Circus or Snake Handler that gave you benefits AND penalties. Then a really neat cut scene played with an airship you are on getting attacked by orcs in biplanes. Back in game, a guy in a monk's robe comes up to your new character and claims you are The Living One, come on wings of fire!

  5. I enjoyed the impromptu character creation screen with a dozen different character races to choose from, with what seemed like twenty backgrounds, like Grew up in the Circus or Snake Handler that gave you benefits AND penalties. Then a really neat cut scene played with an airship you are on getting attacked by orcs in biplanes. Back in game, a guy in a monk's robe comes up to your new character and claims you are The Living One, come on wings of fire!

  6. The first commentary mode I remember seeing was in the PC version of Escape from Butcher Bay. They even did the thing where you activate a floating icon to hear it. There's also some in Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut, the special edition of Gunpoint, and the recent Extended Edition update for Shadowrun: Hong Kong.


    Pillars of Eternity also has a commentary mode, it's audio from the various developers that'll play when you enter a map or reach a certain part of a map. Not for a first time play through, it'll talk about all the stuff on the map, design questions sometimes, etc.

  7. Chris, Sean, and Jake did a decently long interview for the Playstation Blog podcast (starts about 55 minutes in) promoting the game that's pretty good. Games discussed: Firewatch, Far Cry 2, the Corn Love Forever PS4 Theme, some other less important stuff.




    I jumped around till I found it, the Firewatch bit begins at 55:00, I hope there wasn't anything before then.

  8. If there's friction then it should be fine, it'll be capped at some max speed.


    But if you're applying a force that's parallel to the direction of movement, you're performing work/adding energy. The force won't be cancelled out by itself at the other end of the orbit because at that point the body is moving in the opposite direction. The force of gravity from the planet is always perpendicular in a circular orbit, so that won't add any energy to the movement of the body.

  9. Well, the perpendicularvector is not quite the right name - it's the projection of the current velocity on to the surface of the planet. So, that gives you the orbit direction. Then, that orbit direction is added to the current force. I expect there's a bunch more scalars in there in the final implementation to make everything feel right relative to one another, this was just my quick attempt at getting something working.


    I thought about it a bit more, won't this solution, as is, keep accelerating the ships until something bugs out? It's a small acceleration so maybe it won't matter. Does this work if you replace



    body.AddForce(towardsVector.normalized * (dist - desiredOrbitalHeight) + perpendicular);


    body.AddForce(towardsVector.normalized * (dist - desiredOrbitalHeight));

  10. Apparently this works, but I think it's weird that you're constantly adding that 'perpendicular' vector. I mean, if you're in the correct orbit that vector will be parallel to your velocity, so it will move you off your orbit, at which point towardsVector gets applied again. A proper orbit should be the opposite, you apply only the downward force in steady state. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what it's doing.


    I'm not 100% sure but I think the perpendicular vector needs to be there for the ship to move at all. Does it still work if you change the desiredOrbitalHeight to very small or very large numbers?

  11. Maybe at a big force that'll shove/attract the ship to a certain altitude no matter what?


    ForceDir = (Ship.Coord - Planet.Coord).normalize


    ForceonShip = ForceDir * (+- not sure)(idealHeight - Current Height) ^(big odd number)

  12. I've only read Ship of Magic as well. It'll hook you for another 2 books, very high fantasy book. Hobb is a good author, characters get really shit deals done to them a lot! Maybe more in the Assassin's trilogy than in the Liveship traders. I'd recommend the book if you're into fantasy.


    I don't know anything about the other 4 titles.

  13. You could still do forces while having the body be trapped at a specific distance away from the planet. You'd just project all the forces that affect the body onto 2 vectors (body's speed direction and the cross product of the speed and the ship-planet line). Then it would bounce around in a 2D sphere surface.

  14. It's not technically a Let's Play but I didn't know where else to put it and I thought this guy deserved more recognition:



    I thought this one was hilarious and I love his accent. Does anyone have anything else like this? Or anything more generally about video games? I used to watch Yahtzee but then I got bored and I liked Errant Signal but I ended up disagreeing with loads of stuff and found myself getting annoyed. 


    These aren't Lets Players but they're similar (also better) than Errant Signal:



