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Posts posted by Jutranjo

  1. post-33965-0-83060900-1463942002.png


    I didn't have the time to spend the full 2 weeks, so I played around in unity for 3 evenings. Here is the itchio page: https://jutranjo.itch.io/some-kind-of-drifter


    Here is the backstory to get you interested in loading up the game and re-reading it.


    One day, you made a bet that you can get to The Rigid Body Rat King bar in outer space in less than 3 minutes.
    Today is that day. But some space truckers left a bunch of space crates and space biker barrels on the space highway...
    Can you make it... anyway?
    Considering my previous entries, I feel this is my strongest yet. I've learned more in 3 days than I've forgotten since the winter wizard jam. Thanks for organizing it again this year! 
    The music changes if you're on the road or not, there's an ending this time, and someone might actually enjoy playing it.
    Have not tested the Linux/Mac version, please let me know if you have any problems.

  2. Henroid you're literally driving the tone of the thread into the tone of conversation when twitter eggs wandered into the Gamergate thread. How can you not see this?


    edit: I didn't know much about the american election but you really soured me on Bernie

  3. I'm gonna bump this thread, there's another expansion coming out in a bit less than 24 hours. This is the 4th one I think since this post was made in 2012.


    In between they've added exiled masters(easier crafting of your items), player hideouts(housing almost, you can decorate them a lot, search for "POE Hideout of the Week" to see the most well done ones), another act (it's now 4 acts), a hidden boss, strongboxes (you can roll these with orbs!)


    New expansion also comes with a new league, fresh start, everyone starts with nothing, etc. It also adds 19 new subclasses for the original 7 classes. And a labyrinth with traps.


    It's not exactly unforgiving, if you just keep assigning damage talents and skip the any defence you will at some point start getting blown up. You can fix thisbut it rewards you for planning.


    Here's a bunch of links if anyone wants to read up/watch before jumping in.





    Just winging it might be intimidating or too time consuming, here's a bunch of guides for what to build, just ask if you want any help figuring out acronyms or finding a thing you want to play (spellcaster/totems/mines/fast moving/hard to kill/whatever)



    I'll add my characters nickname when I make one tomorrow.

  4. There was the MLG that had the majority of the stream switch to watching an eagle nest webcam because the delays were too big. There was a tournament in Malaysia that had a literal fire at the computers. There was the CS:GO tournament in Slovenia that had the finals played on a parking lot and the organizer stealing the prize money/leaving teams to pay hotel bills. None of them stretched over so many days! There weren't even expectations to disappoint.


    The games are cool, everything else is garbage. Here's a video log from one of the new hosts



    Sleep deprivation is going to do interesting things to the panelists by the final day.

  5. I originally sent this in to reader mail at Idle weekend but Danielle and Rob didn't read it on air.  Not a surprise given how much eMail they probably get.  But I am curious what people think about it so I'm posting it here. 


    I generally avoid first person perspective games because they make me motion sick. Despite this, Firewatch has been on my wishlist since the game was announced. I appreciate a well told story and the folks at Campo Santo that I'm familiar with (Sean, Jake and Chris) always have interesting perspectives on games. So I was excited to see what they produced. Firewatch was a very enjoyable experience for me, even though it did result in a nasty bout of nausea.


    Wanting to show my support for the product, I logged onto Steam, gave Firewatch a thumbs up and wrote a review.


    Unfortunately, the next time I checked my Steam recommendations que, it was populated almost entirely with first person games. The months I'd spent training the Steam discoverability robot appears to be completely undone by 1 positive review.


    Do you think the increasing popularity of algorithmically driven marketing can discourage people from rating or reviewing products that might be outside their wheelhouse for fear of skewing the recommendations they get?


    Also, are there any game mechanics that you have a physical reaction to so strong that you can't enjoy the game?  First person seems to be the engine of choice among indies these days and I miss out on some tonally interesting stuff because they make me physically ill.


    You've probably already tried this but have have you switched mouse acceleration in windows off yet? Or tried out different Field of View settings in games where that's supported?