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Posts posted by Jutranjo

  1. Also regarding the special drinks, inn keepers will restock them if you buy all of them, close trade window and open it again. Good way to stock up, they're really expensive tho!


    I think I remember reading how the devs made sure to dynamically set prices depending on your gold so they'd look fair and you could buy a bunch of stuff but you would never have infinite money. Or they did it in advance with general balancing.

  2. I found a cool bug, if you hold down and press up you will get launched into the air. It's sweet, you can explore more of the non existent secrets.


    Also: Game breaking bug, if it isn't at 60 FPS the physics doesn't work right. It won't let you fall down white platforms so try windowed if it's acting weird like moving too fast down the ramp.

  3. There's no need to get 100 of any herb, you use them to make bombs/potions once, then the potion/bomb refills whenever you rest for the cost of 1 alkohol unit. You might need ~30 herbs for the whole upgrade path of a potion, with some overlapping but you can buy them in mass later on. There's a very well stocked herbalist outside Oxenfurt's walls. Also a good place to find potion upgrade recipes. 


    I never ran out or bothered with food after the starting area. But I didn't play above normal.

  4. Valve made a deal with Frog Fraction's creator, Half Life 3 is hidden within Frog Fractions 2 which is hidden in a random game jam game. It streams once you reach the point so you can't know by judging file sizes.

  5. Is there a Bo Jackson of video games? Are there e-sports athletes (is that even what you call them?) that compete at high levels in multiple games? I can't figure if that should be more or less common than in physical sports?


    There's only one that was/is actually good at more of them, maybe two depending how you count migrating after a community dies.


    There's Iceiceice (not to be confused with ice,iceice or icefrog), who at some point played SC2, 




    He might be your best bet, in this interview he mentions 

    -"Hello I'm daryl and my nick is iceiceice. I'm 20 this year and i currently play HoN, LoL, DotA and sc2 competitively." *laughs*




    Grubby, one of the best Warcraft 3 players (one time world champion), played SC2, I think he just streams HOTS(the LOMA) now



    There's these two guys who tried to join pro dota2 teams after playing SC2 a bunch then switched back. I think Select was the better of the two at SC2 (he's korean, babyknight isn't) though Babyknight was also ok at it. I remember select saying he'll show everyone the importance of micro in dota2, he switched back a few weeks later.








    Actually looking at it, I have no idea what babyknight ended up playing last before retiring or whatever.


    Last person I can think of is Scarlett, she is probably one of the best foreigner players at SC2. Might quit soon according to the liquipedia page but who knows. At some point she took a break from SC2 and started playing ranked DOTA2, aiming to hit 6k or 7k within a few weeks and quitting SC2 if she managed to do it. I think she got 6k with meepo spamming but went back to SC2 anyway. I don't think she played in any pro team unlike the others listed.



  6. I've decided I want to make a game about wizards, cheeses and puns. After what I've learned from the previous jam, I've decided not to try 3D yet.


    After a few nights of trying to get a 2D platformer to work, dinosaurssssssssssssss gave me a link to https://github.com/prime31/CharacterController2D which I'll be using to cheat in the jam. This does everything that I tried to make so far, like making the character not get stuck on walls when he moves into them mid air and an upper limit on speed that's consistent in the air and on the ground. I got a slight handle on animations now and thankfully someone else is making those. My brother's helping me by making all the graphics and animation. Here's 2 gifs of the shitty cheese wizard idling and walking.





    The animations look much better in game, they're smaller there!


    Planned features: Levels, puns, cheese shapeshifting, a story, sprites/textures, a boss named after the most evil cheese

    Dream features: A story, a hidden waluigi pachinko parlor, the moon


  7. I haven't bought anything from Double Fine since Stacking/Psychonauts in a Humble Bundle so I'm not much bothered with the Space Base thing/Broken Age delay. I thought they'd at least mention how their first kickstarter campaign fared and what they've learned since then, since they went and put it in the pitch video.

  8. I think both SC2 and DOTA2 have Warcraft 3 melee custom maps, SC2 may already have a playable one.


    The issue that we had was that we couldn't host a game due to port issues. Instead of changing things on routers we tried switching the port in the options menu but it didn't help. Gotta figure it out first.