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Everything posted by Jutranjo

  1. DOTA 2

    If you get a good epi blink into a teamfight, try to stun as many people as possible with the burrowstrike. If you have a shivas or veil use them asap. Sandstorm instantly after using everything else, gives you a few seconds of invisibilty, should be enough for the rest of your team to run in. Try to get the whole epi on as many people as possible, even if you die it keeps going. Aghanims epi is even better, it gives you more of the larger strikes that slow more. You should be able to live most of the time and then still be able to blink burrow strike anyone running away or helping more with your AOE stun.
  2. The chinese were portrayed as the unbeatable machine because as far as anyone was concerned they were, atleast from DOTA1. If you know how koreans look at Starcraft that's how china was in dota. A bunch of stuff caused them to not even make top4 at TI3 but they dominated TI2, 7 teams in the top 8 were from China, only Navi wasn't chinese. At TI3 they just appeared to be closed to the playstyle of teams from outside their country while everyone else seemed to play a wider style of game. About Dendi never playing enigma it might have been him never playing it in DOTA2 or in any practice matches with the team, he must've played it before. Even if he never played it he 100% knew how to play him at atleast a basic level. Navi almost always ends up gaining an advantage from bally plays and risky gambles or atleast used to. They seem much more consistent in comparison to when they won TI1. This was at TI3 It's a highlight pasted together out of clips but Navi fell behind early in the game and then for 30 minutes did this pudge hook into fountain, it was removed a few months after the tournament.
  3. Dota Today 11: She's My Hard Support

    4-5 stacks can be beaten by a group of solo players though it's likely the solo players were better on a one per one basis than the guys in the stack. But the system already boosts a groups MMR by some value, probably by more if there's more people. Seriously though, throwing bans around a game where you want to get money from cosmetics won't help. A brutal system won't help make people more friendly. If your account is banned instantly it suddenly isn't worth anything but it's a f2p game so you can just make new ones. About late game pro games going on with a the #1 carry farming even more I don't actually know why. Every 3.9k they earn is another 10 sec BKB which might be worth a bit. And desperation divine rapiers.
  4. I played WoW in classic and the first few expansions, abominations didn't do anything special except leaving patches of rot on the floor that gave diseases to people. This was also the ability for the aboms in WC3. Pudge's rot is based off this. I didn't even remember stiches, it's an alliance only quest in Duskwood. http://www.wowwiki.com/Stitches https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/94663588/timelineWIP.png Dota was being played before WoW but even WoW didn't have the hooking aboms. Those were added in WOTLK: http://www.wowhead.com/item=41361/abomination-hook
  5. Also Phantom Lancer and some final fantasy game. Pudge is called Pudge in dota1, except he had the job description the butcher as well. He used the same sound file as the butcher in diablo 1. He's still pudge and still has cleavers for butchering etc. Leoric the skeleton king ( wraith king now :'( ) was Ostirionoth in dota2 then switched from bone to wraith. Based on diablo's king leoric who shows up in Diablo3. Windrunner's name change to windranger. She was named after a character in WC3 Windrunner. Sylvanas windrunner? Necrolyte was renamed to Necrophos for who knows what reason. Obsidian Destroyed, named after two undead units from WC3, obsidian statues and the destroyers. Got changed to Outworld Destroyed on being ported then later into Outworld Demolisher and now Outworld Devourer. Rest of the changes are here http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Changes_from_DotA#Items_Name_Changes Most people still call nature's prophet furion. I don't know who the names belong to but pudge having a hook wasn't a Blizzard idea. This is some old dota 1 lore tree, it's the best of fan fiction. I'm not even sure who the hell wrote this http://www.hostimage.tk/upload_image/7724d605afdc76d5b45bb9caae2aa807.jpg
  6. Don't get too mad though. It makes playing DOTA shit if you keep seeing mistakes others make. You have little influence over random people. Just try to get more last hits or die less rather than getting angry at a nyx building a dagon instead of a blink.
  7. Terminal7 8: Eventually Your Breathing Will Stop

    Besides Priority Req on Archer, only putting in 3 pointers for archers to eat seems rough.
  8. Is SpaceChem a puzzle game?
  9. Dota 2 vs Heroes of the Storm

    Ursa's ulti used to be a 2nd unit that attacked the same targets ursa attacked, stacking fury swipes. It also had a higher range than ursa. I don't know how icefrog hacked the new bloodseeker movement in WC3. There's a bunch of less insane spells like sand king's ulti being a bunch of units casting the mountain king's thunderclap ability (every one getting bigger). QOP of pain is special, all of her non ulti abilities are copied 1:1 mechanically off the ladder NE hero, the warden. The numbers were changed. Her ulti was also taken off something else, maybe shockwave? Tiny's ulti just straight up replaced the hero with a new identical one, if you levelled this when you had some shit on you like a DOT, it would remove it. This might still be in the game? Pudge's hook is also silly how much work went into it.
  10. It's a monochrome art style game about a noir Santa Claus working through World War 2 with occasional flashbacks to the great depression. That is his badge. The gameplay is reading letters from children and throwing them in a fire.
  11. The Witcher 2

    I felt W1 had more involved potion mechanics than W2. You could drink them in combat though, but you could adapt without reloading. But W2 makes a lot more sense for the setting.
  12. DOTA 2

    You've played all the heroes to death? Try this then http://ponky.org/~ropedy/DC/divine_courage.php?main
  13. Dota 2 vs Heroes of the Storm

    The character models are attributed to Blizzard but almost every spell in dota is hacked together via scripting. Earthshaker fissure, wisp's tether, spectre's ulti, invoker, every disruptor skill except thunder strike, etc. There's a lot more abilities in dota than WC3 had. Even skeleton king's new aura has to be glued together with vampiric potion procs on autoattacks for ranged units.
  14. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello, I'm a listener from Slovenia, I really like your shows! At least half of them talk about things I'm interested in (video games, their developers, DOTA2 and Netrunner) as well as being a joy to consume.