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Everything posted by Jutranjo

  1. Everyone should also try Sexy Hiking, it's a 2 MB download.
  2. There's a cancel button!>?
  3. Tycho, award jail is still a jail for criminals. You guys went on a days long hiking/camping trip plus at least one person knew the Wyoming wilderness pretty well. How are you/did you tackle getting to know the setting this time?
  4. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Again, the same youtube channel has videos (with spoilers) about it.
  5. Hey here's a guide to what this game is, people who haven't played it yet
  6. It only took me and njoos all our placement games before we won a single round. Then we went on a 4 game 3:0 winstreak in bronze division.
  7. I got no idea what my buttons do, this is a fun game.
  8. Noclip did a profile on playerunknown. I had no idea he was from Ireland!
  9. StarCraft (2)

    I added you, since it's f2p we can play on NA without having to buy 1 to 3 extra copies of the game each!
  10. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    GG did not cause trump to be elected.
  11. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Here's another retrospective on Crysis
  12. DOTA 2

    The patch notes are out! http://www.dota2.com/duelingfates/ Patch is out tomorrow!! There's so much stuff in here. It feels like it's 50/50 between new insane stuff and going back to battle.net lobbies called "dota 6.35b -apem no noobs no dl fast host". It's more like 90/10 but still. APEM is back! All pick easy mode! With the added benefit of buying items anywhere. Creeps can sleep again after years of tireless vigil. I wonder if they fucked up and made the golems sleep. They used to be narrower ramps about 10 years ago so that's good that they finally changed it back. All these talents and items are really cool, you can finally upgrade urn, there's so much stuff. There's a hammer that summons a meteor that deals damage to buildings! Highlights of some of the new hero changes are WISP gets autoattacks off tethered ally?! https://gyazo.com/936f32c10830ad5961a89fc5ba721bf0 Puck lvl 25 can machine gun with dream coil?! Techies mines can MOVE?! https://streamable.com/qup5p Also there's 2 new heroes, they look neat but who cares those. Join the pangolin fan club in #dota on the slack.
  13. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Dishonoured has a way different feel than any Thief game. You're not a flimsy thief trying to steal, you're some kind of magical assassin that can kill anything that moves or just teleport around no problem. I don't think the game points this enough: YOU CAN SLIDE, out of sprinting I think. I don't remember the parrying being that precise, it's not needed much anyway, there's no boss fights or anything like that. Probably save watching this 360_no_scope_montage until you finish the game or are done with it, it does have some spoilers.
  14. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    OH it was with my brother I think we had cheats turned on in the end. Or respawning.
  15. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    The only time I played SS3 was split screen, on a PC with dual monitors, two keyboards and two mice. It worked fine.
  16. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Serious Sam 3 only has half the max coop player count as E.Y.E.:Divine Cybermancy, SS3 is 16, E.Y.E. is 32.
  17. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    The ending isn't good but there's 4 buttons, 3 up front and 1 hidden in a corridor! After the Missing Link you're only left with the research facility in Thailand or somewhere? And then you're rocketed to the last level. It's really mimicking the ocean base and area 51 of the original Deus Ex hard. All the good bits are where you're walking and talking around some city area or similar, once it's all combat missions they both go downhill. Some thoughts about E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy: 0. It's ludicrously obtuse. 1. I love the game but it's really tough to get into. The in game tutorials are videos in a menu. Message me when you start playing if you just want to coop from the start, I'm fine idling while you check out menus and dialogue. 2. On character creation you can pick 3 genomes out of a pool of a dozen or more. Ignore everything, pick 3x metastreumonic and keep rolling until every stat is 35-50. 3. This short 1 page intro will help you get through the worst bits, it's much better than the tutorial, I'd really recommend reading it first https://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.si/2012/07/eye-divine-cybermancy-getting-started.html
  18. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    I used the typhoon on every single boss encounter to finish it in 2-3 uses the first time I played the game. Never had to engage with the combat. There's a bunch of little things about the DLC but the only thing I remember is a pretty big one. If you're never detected and reach the final boss, they are panicky and crying out "who the fuck are you that you are doing this?!", plus there's much fewer guards and stuff. There's also using the CASIE aug on the person you talk to just before getting off the DLC sea base. Didn't you get your nice sniper rifle back at the end of the DLC?
  19. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Oh the whole DLC is a few hours long at least, my playtime for it is 6 hours. It does have some really neat reactivity the main game is sometimes lacking.
  20. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    That's the whole shit show with the DC. Missing Link was a standalone game executable/entry in the steam library and they only shoe horned it into the game instead of doing good things. It's a separate DLC with whack progression fucking at the end. It could be the dealbreaker for you mechanics spoiler
  21. Didactic Thumbs (Pedantry Corner)

    lol normal usage in english grammar
  22. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    I really like DX:HR. The director's cut did make a few big changes, most notably to the colour filter they put on everything I really enjoyed the level/hub where you arrive in China. Exploring the detroit city level was also fun.