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About Homfry

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  1. Add to me the dotatota guild please http://steamcommunity.com/id/Homfry apparently I'm in some unofficial lords management guild atm.
  2. Hey guys, I've been following from the beginning and am really happy to see two episodes back to back! Now that Dota Today is back are you guys planning on reviving the Lord's Guild? It would be a great place to play with some readers and remove a little of the randomness of teammates. I've played with some idle thumb readers and it was a good time, but the guild is looking really thin these days. Also some easy info to digest as a support for stacking and pulling. To stack the creeps attack at the 53 second mark and then run away from the camp until the creeps stop chasing you. Lane creeps spawn every 30 seconds. To pull jungle creeps to attack the lane creeps, attack the jungle creeps on the 15ish second mark or the 45ish second mark and run to the lane creeps.