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Everything posted by Spenny

  1. Plug your shit

    The company I work for did a game jam last week and I helped make this game: You can get Kitty Flame: Highway Warrior on Google Play. If you check it out that would be great.
  2. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

    One of the best things this game did was after I had finished the tutorial level, it popped up a message suggesting I turn up the difficulty. I've often had games suggest I turn the difficulty down. That feels bad, what this game did made me feel awesome.
  3. Unity Questions Thread

    Yeah, this will work. To maybe give you a few more ideas I'll drop some code snippets based around how i might do it maybe to give you some ideas. We'll start with out enum: public enum PlanetID { Zorgulon = 1, Xanzibar = 2, } Then we'll create our planet model and have an easy way to access it: public class PlanetModel : GameObject { public static PlanetModel instance; void Awake() { instance = this; } } Now from other classes we can easily access PlaentModel by calling PlanetModel.instance (make sure you have a PlanetModel in the scene though). We might then instead of using a series of arrays create an object to store planet's data: public class PlanetData : object { PlanetID planetID; int [] resourceOne; //this constructor allows us to initialize the data when we create it public PlanetData(PlanetID planetID, int resourceOne) { this.planetID = planetID; this.resourceOne = resourceOne; } } Then at the top of our planet model we will import System.Collections.Generic using System.Collections.Generic public class PlanetModel : GameObject { public static PlanetModel instance; void Awake() { instance = this; } } so that we can have a dictionary of all our planet data using System.Collections.Generic public class PlanetModel : GameObject { public static PlanetModel instance; void Awake() { instance = this; } public Dictionary<PlanetID,PlanetData> allPlanetData {get; private set;} //allow others to easily read this dictionary void Start() { allPlanetData = new Dictionary<PlanetID,PlanetData>();//initialize the dictionary //add the data for two planets allPlanetData.Add(PlanetID.Zorgulon, new PlanetData(PlanetID.Zorgulon, new int [] {1,2,3})); allPlanetData.Add(PlanetID.Xanzibar, new PlanetData(PlanetID.Xanzibar, new int [] {1,2,3})); } } so now when a planet is initialized you can call the planet model class Planet : GameObject { PlanetID myPlanetID //set in inspector int [] resourceOne; void Start() { this.resourceOne = PlanetModel.instance.allPlanetData[myPlanetID].resourceOne; } } I realize there is a lot of information there, but hopefully you see a few tools that might help you. Again if you want me to explain anything further I'm happy to do so.
  4. The Hypothetical Adventure Game

    Spriter looks very similar to the above software and has a very well featured free version.
  5. Unity Questions Thread

    In the scene you could have something called PlanetInfoModel that you reference to get the info for each planet. You can then set up an enumerated type (enum) to identify individual planets, and pass that ID to the PlanetInfoModel to get the planet's info. If you want me to elaborate with some code snippets I can.
  6. Recently completed video games

    I finished up A Link Between Worlds. That was a great game, best use of 3D I've seen so far on the 3DS.
  7. Unity: What I needed to know.

    This is actually so useful to what I'm working on right now I'm going to do a huge code refactor. So that's basically a simultaneous thank you and damn you for making me refactor, but mostly thanks.
  8. Amateur Game Making Night

    You got it, it's because this for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { //do something } looks nicer than: int counter = 0; while(counter < array.Length) { //do something counter++; } The bonus is your counter variable (int i) is scoped only for the for loop.
  9. Amateur Game Making Night

    That's the gist of it. Unity now has support for 2D stuff but I'm no expert (it's only a month or two old). I personally use a third party solution called 2D Toolkit which runs about 65 bucks on the asset store, it does sprite atlasing, has a sprite implementation, and many more features.
  10. Bioshock Finite: Irrational Games shuts down

    That's the conclusion I came to, as people have pointed out a studio head wanting to leave shouldn't lead to that studio being dismantled.
  11. Unity: What I needed to know.

    View private variables in the inspector!
  12. Unity: What I needed to know.

    Coroutines, you can also use: yield return new WaitForSeconds(float time); where you would replace [float time] with the amount of seconds you wish to wait, e.g. yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.5f); //waits five and a half seconds A caution though, in experience there is a some unreliability with WaitForSeconds and as such any small and/or critical timers should be done in Update and use Time.deltaTime.
  13. Video Games: The Making Of

    This is a good one from GDC: Classic Game Postmortem - OUT OF THIS WORLD/ANOTHER WORLD
  14. Loadout: Am I the only one seeing this? [NSFW]

    It kind of seems that part of the character design and available customization is to make someone with the average straight male perspective feel sexually uncomfortable.
  15. Loadout: Am I the only one seeing this? [NSFW]

    Is this the case or is she just an overweight woman wearing woman's clothes? Are you projecting your own ideas of humour on this characters design?
  16. Plug your shit

    Yes I have some shit to plug. We had some down time in the office so we made a Flappy Bird clone. Flappy Turd Saga Score 500 to unlock the full flappy turd story!
  17. Three Wonders of Age

    I played a good amount of Age of wonders when I was young. I feel it has a cult following, generally being shadowed in the collective conscious by Heroes of Might and Magic. I'm sure this new one will at the very least be a great nostalgia trip, but looks to be shaping up nicely.
  18. Amateur Game Making Night

    I'm happy, I'm learning too!
  19. Amateur Game Making Night

    To this end http://opengameart.org/ is pretty great.
  20. Amateur Game Making Night

    Try using a mod ( % ) operator. That way -10%360 = 350 and 350%360 = 350; EDIT: I spoke too soon, this was true in chrome's address bar, but not in Unity. So here's a fixed code snippet: (((number%360) + 360) % 360) Makes number a positive integer between 0 and 359 inclusive. For example: int number = -370; Debug.Log(number + " equals angle " + (((number%360) + 360) % 360)); number = -10; Debug.Log(number + " equals angle " + (((number%360) + 360) % 360)); number = 350; Debug.Log(number + " equals angle " + (((number%360) + 360) % 360)); number = 710; Debug.Log(number + " equals angle " + (((number%360) + 360) % 360)); Prints -370 equals angle 350 -10 equals angle 350 350 equals angle 350 710 equals angle 350
  21. Amateur Game Making Night

    I don't think this is correct. As long as you're accounting for the varying timestep in the Update method, i.e. use Time.deltaTime your camera movement should be smooth.
  22. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hi, I'm Spenny. I make video games and really like Idle Thumbs.
  23. Is free to play inherently evil?

    This quote seems to be accusatory of developers, but a huge problem with the mobile market is this is equally true of how en masse the players respect themselves. The power of advertising in the mobile space and the willingness for the players to keep playing the most exploitive of games only perpetuates the market serving such things to them. The only way that mobile games will change is if theres a market shift in demand, and that will come from large amounts of players avoiding bad games while spending money on good games.
  24. I had to look up the CoD:BLOPS2 game show the e-mailer wrote in about. She was unfortunately incorrect in saying it was done on the Wii, it's done on the WiiU so I'd imagine the version they are using is on par with the xbox or playstation's version. It's still quite wonderful. It's done in the style that resembles American Idol mixed with Survivor. I had a good laugh when I saw their equivalent to the torch extinguishing ceremony. I couldn't find playlists of the seasons, so I made my own: