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Everything posted by BusbyBerkeley

  1. General Video Game Deals Thread

    They usually run the winter sale for the last two weeks of the year.
  2. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Isn't direct to drive now one of those grey market key resellers who buy stolen product in bulk. So much for keeping politics out of games anyway.
  3. Free To Play - This Topic Is Not Post To Win

    So recently Quake Live AND now Tribes Ascend have both kind of reversed their free to playness. Quake live is now just a ten dollar game, making it a souped up Quake 3 with matchmaking and stuff. Tribes seems to have been entirely rebalanced and the f2p store stripped entirely, with a ten dollar purchase unlocking all game content. I never played before, so I can't speak much on it, but both of these seem like absolute best case scenarios for end of life free to play games. Charge a flat fee, and open it all up, sort of like a reverse of when an mmo goes from subscription based to f2p model. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Seems super cool to me.
  4. Social Justice

    I like to eat food
  5. Return of the Steam Box!

    I thought that I read that the link has a built in steam controller wireless connector thing, but can't seem to figure out how to use it. I just have the USB single plugged into the back. Is that a thing I just made up?
  6. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Honestly that Kern guy just makes me feel bad. I feel like he has an actual thing wrong with him. It's pitiful.
  7. Movie/TV recommendations

    I watched Being John Malkovich again over the weekend and it's still great.
  8. Half-Life 3

    I'm bummed I never got to play ricochet. I need to just pick up a couple copies to give to my little brother and some friends and hope I can get one to play it with me.
  9. Idle Santa 2015 - Giftees sent out! Get gifting!

    Aw man, I totally forgot about this. Next year!
  10. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    Wii want Wii U to gone home too.
  11. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    So what happened.
  12. Half-Life 3

    Shut up. No. Shut up.
  13. Other podcasts

    SUSD are definitely the best boardgames dudes around. I don't generally care for the podcast, but they are cool folks and helped me get into the hobbt a few years ago. They even have some overlap with the thumbs network, what with couple of them being occasional guests on Terminal 7.
  14. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Do you have an issue with big box stores selling games? I genuinely don't see what the issue is here.
  15. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    This is good, keep running further and further into the insane hypothetical ethics conundrums rabbit hole.
  16. Intoxicated:

    Buffalo Trace. I'm a bourbon convert now. Also trying to think of good wintry cocktails to make, and warm apple cider with a splash of bourbon and sprinkle of cinnamon is sooooo gooood. I need to get some whole cloves or sticks or whatever their called.
  17. Return of the Steam Box!

    There's a blutooth option on the main menu, before you pick which PC your going to stream from. I think that's where you'd go? I've not used it myself.
  18. Intoxicated:

    Got a decent bottle of bourbon the other day and I really enjoy it! Much better than my last horrible bottle, which cost a whopping ten dollars.
  19. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Zoe Quinn is writing a memoir and there are talks of a movie based on the memoir!
  20. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Still not at all sold on blind buying a selection of games in advance I already have two of those games and most have been in other bundles I'm pretty sure. Anyway, Red Faction Guerrilla is on sale for 4 bucks on Steam. That's the Space Asshole one I'm pretty sure! They removed GFWL and added steamworks multiplayer and I think some bonus content at some point too!
  21. Those hearts are GOOD dammit!
  22. Yeah, Citizen Kane never struck me as one of those "eat you vegetables!" movies. It's entertaining through and through. Taxi Driver is a good movie too. I thought this thread was going to be about video games and I was going to say that coming into Half Life late its got a lot of old games baggage. I managed to get stuck with low health at one part later in the game and just couldn't get to the next health pack so I quit. :v
  23. Social Justice

    That is some embarrassing shit. I hope those people will look back on themselves and feel bad. Also, I've found that discussing my depression with online folks is a great way to vent in general, so I'm not about to judge someone else for dealing with depression/suicidal thoughts in a generally constructive way.