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Everything posted by BusbyBerkeley

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    He had a followup tweet speculating they might have been fulfilling a quota. What a fucking turd. Man I hate that dude. He's the smug face of douchey gamers to me.
  2. Other podcasts

    Unfortunately they stopped doing The Dissolve podcast. I like Filmspotting for movies still, but if anyone else has any recommendations I'd love for you to throw them out there!
  3. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Donkey Kong, easily. Mario if you aren't super into platformers and want to play with friends.
  4. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Yeesh. I'm still not really surprised that the discourse on the big game sites is just facecrushingly stupid. Video games.
  5. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Hah! I saw that as proof that leigh is mean or something when I randomly decided to see if the SA gg thread was shitty or not. It is shitty.
  6. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Just uninstalled Dota 2 after about a week of matches I wasn't enjoying, with teammates/enemies were obnoxious and rude. This coupled with the shitty gamergate goings on have led to me being fed up with the whole multiplayer gaming culture thing. Fuck it. I need to play less games anyway. More time for movies and reading.
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Wow $60! That's exactly the price of entry to the "we are totally not misogynists" club!
  8. Idle Thumbs 177: The Good Ones

    Yeah, total biscuit is a huge turdman and has been forever. Super frustrating seeing him at the top of that list. Ugh.
  9. DOTA 2

    That's what I figured. Bummer.
  10. DOTA 2

    I'm VERY curious as to what "geminate attack now procs items" means. It would say UAMs if that's what it was, but there is no way they'd let you double dagon people, right? Right??
  11. DOTA 2

    Holy shit these patch notes are insane. Fucking excited for this shit.
  12. Feminism

    Re: Anita not contextualizing properly, that isn't at all her job or intent with these videos. As for No More Heroes subverting the tropes or whatever, it still seemed grossly sexist to me however ironic it may have been. Ironic sexism is still sexism. I'm not sure how to broach the American values vs Japanese values thing, but the fact is that the game was released and marketed in America for American audiences.
  13. I'm not sure if this has been brought up already in the thread re: shitty things in old media, but a lot of these old cartoons and films and songs have HUGE importance in not only the context of their culture but the evolution of their respective media. Birth of a Nation is a massively important film, and it makes heroes of the KKK. A lot of historically significant animation is fucking weird and gross, but still influential in the animation world. As for who profits off of the archival releases its not necessarily the racists, and the appeal of these old is probably mostly for people interested in the art form or people who enjoy the transgressive thrill of seeing classic characters in something so obviously unacceptable. Its not like they are broadcasting them or putting them in Walmart, its simply available for niche audiences. I'm actually really against the idea that a cultural artifact like that should just straight up be scrubbed from public conscious and made unavailable. Appologies if all this has been brought up, and if I'm missing the point entirely. If the issue is mostly with profiting off of this stuff, I am much more sympathetic to that. Capitalism blows.
  14. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Were there any other sites besides The Escapist that kowtowed to these shitheads? Need to know if I need to blacklist any other places.
  15. RE: female mentors to inexperienced male heroes, The Dissolve ran a pretty great piece on this kind of thing recently. Check it out!
  16. HOWL O'WEEN (Halloween)

    Dead Rising is campy horror probably! I'd argue Resident Evil games are too, but they do have some tense gameplay and jump scares. You're Next is a pretty good recent horror flick that is genuinely funny at times. You can't go wrong with John Carpenter (pre-90's anyway...), and probably toss some Cronnberg in there for good measure. The Fly for that Goldblum crossover appeal, or The Brood for the uncomfortably misogyny. Oh and Return of the Living Dead is a MUST. Also Evil Dead 2! I really like spooky stuff.
  17. Space Alert actually comes with a second reference rulebook for just that! Eventually you get used to reading them and they become exciting as you can see how the mechanics intertwine and what kinds of cool stuff they can let you do and how and why. Boardgames really helped me appreciate video games more, making me pay attention to the gameplay mechanics and choices. It's really neat being able to see a game in the rules, like The Matrix or something.
  18. Listened to the first twenty minutes on my way home tonight and OH LORD DO I HAVE A POST FOR YOU! Ahem. The art of boardgame rulebooks is very much alive and well, as evidenced by the brilliant auteur Vlaada Chvatil. I only have Space Alert and Galaxy Trucker from him, but both rulebooks are easily the best I've come across. Space Alert is structured like a training lesson for the disposable future space explorers that you play in the game. I mean, even stuff like "everyone picks a different colored player piece" becomes "My teaching assistant will now hand out colored jump suits. Yes, you will each wear a different color to make it easier for you to recognize each other on the flight." It makes what is usually a dry read actually pretty engaging and follows a logical progression so you don't end up going "wait what is that? Did I miss a rule?" and doubling back on yourself. And it's even broken down into a couple shorter tutorial games that slowly add in mecchanics so you're not just dumped straight into the deep end. But it marks these as clearly tutorial things meant to be played once and not as a "family mode" with slightly different rules that you'll end up having to relearn when you want to play the actual game. It's great. In short, eat poop Jake or Chris or whoever badmouthed boardgame rulebooks I forget now. PS You all should totally fucking stream some Space Alert games. it's THE BEST.
  19. Idle Thumbs 175: It's an Itchio

    My friends used to make dad jokes all the time, but we didn't know to call them dad jokes. "What does Captain Hook do when he's angry? Beat Smee!" Is the only one I can distinctly remember because it is so awful. And hey, I'm noticing a trend of "Oh we'll save that boardgame discussion for next week" and then not discussing it the next week. Clearly biased against cardboard.
  20. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Some jerk with a crappy, dead music blog has http://www.downloadablecontempt.com Bummer.
  21. Feminism

    That's pretty on topic! I could never get into isometric despite really wanting too. haven't listened to their newest one yet though. Spawn on Me sounds rad and like the kind of thing I've been wanting in a podcast. Definitely checking that out.
  22. Feminism

    God, I WISH these guys were trolling when they say stuff like this, but you know these are exactly the kind of people who have absolutely no self awareness.
  23. What is the Nadir of the Simpsons?

    I'll be the boring predictable guy and cite Homer's Enemy from season 8 as the definitive end of classic Simpsons. The whole thing felt too mean and against the spirit of the rest of the series. RIP Grimey. RIP Simpsons.
  24. Feminism

    https://twitter.com/eron_gj/status/508206417254580224'>HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THIS IDIOT My brain can't handle this right now. What a fucking piece of shit this guy is.
  25. I was kinda bummed Sean never said anything about how HotS(LoMa) was. Someone let me know it's bad so I can stop wanting to try it!