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Everything posted by Brodee

  1. Terminal7 11: Your Parade of Imbeciles

    as per Kim's question about card stores running magic instead of netrunner: In Vancouver both of the store nights do other things the same night in an effort to pay the bills. I would suggest talking to the store owner and asking him/her if netrunner could be played on the same day as the least popular event day. For example for Drexol my friend just talked to the guy who ran the magic draft on tuesday night and asked if they would mind if we set up tables in the front of the store and played. Connection has their heroclix league the same night as netrunner and we seem to be able to coexist. ideally, I would pick a day that would have the same demographic draw as netrunner. If it ended up being on the same day as yugioh or pokemon I would be less likely to go. stuff like, roleplaying night (encounters is wednesdays most stores that do D&D) or open board game day could work. queens gambit. crazy, I've only seen someone use it once. they did it to my vitruvius they believed to be a sansan grid. this allowed me to overadvance it and those overadvances gave me shipments from sansan back. those shipments with my committee gave me another cheap score and the game. Moral is, even if you think it is an agenda, it could be even worse than you think.
  2. Terminal7 5: The Actual Best Thing

    great podcast guys. I agree with Quinz about how you guys talk about the fun stuff about netrunner. it balances out all of the hardcore analysis. One correction encryption protocol only works on installed assets/upgrades, so it won't work on a Snare!/dir haas in hq/r&d. also, it sounded like you guys were in the same room, so great job sound guy.
  3. Terminal7 4: Like the Prawn

    Hey guys. great stuff. the link is to the wrong episode though.