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Everything posted by Bjorn

  1. Life

    I buy a ridiculous number of things on eBay every month (basically a ton of business supplies that are cheaper on there), which results in having $100+ every quarter to blow on crap on eBay. Sometimes I wish it was real money I could use, but usually I think it's better that I have an excuse to treat myself or the lady to something we wouldn't normally spend our own money on.
  2. If you you want to monetize it, long term, there could be an interesting brand of clothing/stuff you could sell. "Objectively (Something)" would actually be pretty funny and awesome on any number of items. Probably not going to make you a fortune, but even a few sales a month pay for the hosting/bandwidth.
  3. The threat of Big Dog

    The racist with the satanic neighbors is on page 2, if anyone is curious. I'd quote here, just no.
  4. Feminism

    I think Twig got it. It also struck me as just an incredibly long form satire piece showing how ridiculous many of the things people say about sexism/feminism are when they are recontexualized to be talking about race.
  5. Non-video games

    Dominion and Smallworld are two of my favorites for quicker games. Dominion is an interesting take on deck building, and Smallworld is a map conquest game that that forces battle due to a relatively small map.
  6. Broken Age - Double Fine Adventure!

    That is a brilliantly simple summary of the game's main themes, and not something that I had even considered. I wouldn't call it spoiling anything if you've finished part 1, it's rather clear once you've had it pointed out to you, not like it's a hidden theme.
  7. The threat of Big Dog

    FUUUUUUUUUUUCK Cyborg telemarketers.
  8. Games giveaway

    Anyone want an EA/Origin key for the core Sims 3 game? Was going through past Humble Bundles to give some games to a friend that I had never redeemed, and realized I have this. Which no one I know in real life wants.
  9. Life

    In Dishonored China, it is the Year of the Horse Armor.
  10. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    So did I, PS3 and PC. I suppose I'll go with PS3, since that's what I've played the previous Souls on. Unfortunately Amazon is sold out of the Black Armor edition for PS3.
  11. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Yep, I'm preordering it for a console, just need to decide which one now. My Gold subscription is expired on the 360, and I don't really want to re-up for one game. But by and large, I have had better quality (technical, not people) experiences on the 360 over the PS3.
  12. Humor and nuance are, objectively, not his strong suit.
  13. I Had A Random Thought...

  14. Wow. Apparently you hit a nerve. This is my fav:
  15. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Except that From has stated that it's being designed specifically to not consider DLC. It's just kind of a weird way to phrase it, particularly after months of marketing the release date as being "soon" after the console releases. Oh, not good, Amazon has updated the pre-order page for the US PC version to available on May 31st. Not that it's a confirmation, but I'm pretty sure that's pushed back from their original date they had on the page.
  16. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Wait, what? Why? I'm not going to be able to listen or watch to this until...probably tomorrow. NOOOOOO! Edited: Actually the audio interview is only 17 minutes long, I've got the time to finish it before I'm done working. Listened to it. The rep says that yes, there is someone in the world who knows the release date, but then hem-hawed around why the hell Namco won't give a date on it. Then he did some PR babble dance about it being a big organization, blah, blah, blah. He said yes to Steam and Steamworks. He said PC gamers "won't get cheated" and that he's not "just talking about gameplay." It's a bit mystifying why they won't give any info on this at all, which leads to speculation that there is something wrong or that they are trying to boost console sales.
  17. I Had A Random Thought...

    I am so disappointed at the results of googling "fire proof spider". Thankfully researchers are working on creating bulletproof human-spider-goats. Now you're thinking with science.
  18. gaming after children

    You might find this thread interesting. It's mostly about being a gaming parent in terms of how you approach it with your kids, but lots of great stories in there.
  19. I Had A Random Thought...

    They're coming for you... Poisonous false widow spiders spread across Ireland Monster spiders in Ireland send shiver throughout the nation
  20. I Had A Random Thought...

    Spiders have been protecting us for millennia from hyper intelligent Goldblum Flies. You'll miss them when your leg is being digested while it's still attached to your body.
  21. Feminism

    Gone Home: The Lords Management Edition. PROBLEM SOLVED!
  22. I Had A Random Thought...

    My favorite meme ever. More here. I like spiders, they eat bugs and mostly keep to themselves. The little albino ones that always live in a car's vents are cute. I have a general treaty with spiders. They aren't allowed in my bed, near my toilet or in my shower. Anywhere else, that's cool.
  23. Yeah, the lore is buried in the map, and you can choose to engage with it or not. I tend to open the map up and read a couple of entries about the area I'm in every time I stop in a town. I haven't finished it yet, but even the Godstones seem relevant to me. Mechanically, there is always a bonus to be gained from each stone, depending on the heroes you have and decisions you've made. Secondarily, the death of the gods seems to have been the event that started everything else in the game. Even though their death was centuries in the past, it set in motion a series of events that are now culminating. Also, nearly magical shit seems to happen at several stones, which seems to indicate that perhaps not all is as it appears with the gods. I guess that might be crossing more into lore territory though if the story doesn't ever directly go that direction.
  24. I wonder if your opinion on The Banner Saga would change at all if you got deeper into it. The story elements and decisions get considerably more interesting as you begin to get a handle on what all is going on. It's quite similar to a Nordic Battlestar Galactica. You're a military commander who has been saddled with a bunch of refugees. How are you going to handle that? Will you weaken your military in order to ensure the survivability of your convoy? If you have someone in your convoy that you distrust, will you cast them out knowing that it's going to cost you the support of other warriors you desperately need? How much will you risk the lives of your warriors to gain supplies? The glut of characters that get thrown at you in the first couple of hours makes more sense as you go on as well, as many of your heroes can be killed off and there are other heroes you can completely miss picking up. A series of catastrophic choices could leave you with a skeleton crew of heroes to fight your battles, hence the large number of starting heroes that you are introduced to. I do find myself frustrated at the level of ambiguity involved in some choices. But at least the outcomes of my choices never feel unfair. It never feels like there's a "gotcha" moment where you made a choice that seemed obvious, and something terrible happened. I actually feel the opposite, like it was designed for 2 or 3 playthroughs. First time through, you get the mystery and stress of not knowing what's happening. But on another playthrough, you're making really hard decisions where you know the consequences. Like will I accept a particular character into the party now for the awesome benefits he brings, even at a high cost down the road. Or am I willing to sacrifice this hero for a bunch of renown or supplies. It becomes a morality game about what kind of a commander you want to be, as there is rarely a benefit to be earned without some cost to you.