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Posts posted by BadHat

  1. I watched The Signal but didn't like it that much. Some good ideas but boring implementation. Still, that trailer looks interesting. Maybe trying to be Blade Runner will do them good, but I have reservations for now.


    I'll admit I liked it far more for its premise and effects (and a little bit for its performances, <3 me some evil brooding Fishburne) than its actual story and execution. Same deal for District 9, actually, even though that manages to be a bit more inventive. I just like that small scope, scrappy sci-fi that doesn't try to be too big for its britches.


    Just watched all 3 Rush Hour films again with the girlfriend. Good lord Carter is a horrible chauvinist douchebag but they're so goddamn entertaining.

  2. Holy beans, there are a lot of attractive people in this thread!


    My girlfriend is good at taking photos of me I don't hate, so here's one of those. Try not to look too hard at the mold on our crappy deck.



  3. Wait, I love that track! It was in one of the Eva Rebuild films really briefly and I always wanted a longer version.  :o


    I watched the first few eps of Kare Kano forever ago and never followed through. Might have to give it another shot now...

  4. Based on an article I read, the racist angle comes from a popular usage of the trope in porn, in which a white guy is cuckolded by a black guy. (Of course the wife is also white because racial purity etc)


    Also a popular trope in the imaginations of privileged white guys who are afraid of things.


    Edit: Man, what a horrible new page post.

  5. My sister and I also loved to play Kirby Air Ride's City Trial mode on its sandbox setting - where there was no time limit, no power-ups, no challenges, and every ride was available in a "garage" under the city. Usually the City Trial mode has you riding around on power stars, trying to upgrade your speed, offense, defense, etc for a challenge that happens at the end of a 5 - 15 minute period. But my sister and I played the sandbox non-challenging mode for hundreds of hours just making up stories and roleplaying as Kirbys living in a city. We'd nickname different rides and gave each colored Kirby a different personality and life story.


    I did something similar, on a smaller scale. My sister and I would play Need for Speed (I forget which one, the original Hot Pursuit maybe?) and play split screen on this one countryside track with a bunch of nice looking houses on it. We'd play this track because the houses had driveways you could actually drive up and park in. My sister loved picking a house and pretending she lived there. She'd back out of the drive, cruise around under the speed limit and pretend to go shopping and stuff. Meanwhile I'd usually play as a cop and pretend to pull over and ticket NPC cars.


    I used to play Warcraft 2 with a friend on his dad's laptop. We had to control the mouse with one of those horrible keyboard nub things, which made playing actual missions kind of difficult. Instead, we'd play around with the map editor a bunch and make our own events. The one I remember most fondly is when we hosted our own Warcraft 2 olympics. I set up a bunch of mages to destroy some houses or something, which represented the opening ceremony fireworks, and placed a bunch of peasants around to form a crowd. Then we'd have events like archery, fighting tournaments, or just racing units around a formation of trees. The winners would go to a makeshift podium thing (I forget how we made this) and the losers would go in front of a firing squad to die. I must have been a pretty sadistic child because this was always my favourite part. I was always looking for excuses to put more people in front of the firing squad, including the winners and even random members of the crowd who I'd decided were disrupting the games. Fun times.





    When I was a kid, my brother and I played a lot of Disney Extreme Skate Adventure, a Disney movies reskin of tony hawk, but with the difficulty tuned way down (you could basically grind indefinitely for instance). We played a bunch of it because when you're a kid you play what you have, and one day we found a spot where you could reliably get out of the normal map boundary. While out of bounds the physics got really weird, you would slide across the ground like ice and the game would never treat you as landed, so you could keep your combo meter up until you left the glitch area. We would fairly regularly load up a game of the tag mode on that map, get outside the wall, and play a version of tag where you could barely control your character, and knocking your opponent back onto the map was basically a win.


    This reminds me of a mini-game a friend and I invented with one of the Tony Hawk games... I think maybe Project 8 or something? The ragdoll physics were all kinds of messed up, you could ragdoll your character and control the ragdoll to float basically horizontally through the air without issue. If you ragdolled across the ground you could manoeuvre your character's body to tumble along almost endlessly if you manipulated it right. We found this spot on the map which started with a downhill slope that went onto a long, flat street and ended in some stairs leading up to a store of some kind. We set a starting spawn point at the top of the hill and spent probably multiple hours trying to be the first to slide all the way down the street, up the stairs, and into the store's front door.


    I won.  B)

  6. The fact that Totilo is defending it makes me want to ignore Kotaku all over again, even though I only keep up with Patrick Klepek's articles now.


    Edit: Thought experiment - imagine some GG-friendly site outing a member of the Gawker family (which might have happened already at some point?) and some scumfuck GG editor in the comments saying "we should keep this story up to foster discussion." Now imagine someone like Totilo nodding his head sagely instead of dropping editorial napalm on those motherfuckers.

  7. Man, I really wish I hadn't mentioned the Fire Emblem thing here in any sort of positive light, because basically the way Nintendo is handling their first openly gay characters is utterly reprehensible.


    TL;DR: in Conquest version, one of your squadmates is openly lesbian. Female player characters can't romance her, but male ones can. See, she feels that her lesbianism is a weakness that makes her less of a woman, so dudetagonist drugs her drink with magic powder that makes her temporarily see men as women and women as men, which is used as the cornerstone in what is essentially magic gay conversion therapy. In the end, she falls for him, because of course she does.


    This might actually be the worst thing Nintendo has ever done.


    There was another blog post somewhere (I lost the link) that clarified the character was actually bisexual as she expresses interest toward men outside of the magical conversion bit. Although, I find it debatable whether that, or indeed her being lesbian, was really intentional on Nintendo/Intelligent Systems' part. It sounds more like the old chestnut of making a straight, "normal" character who just has a weird, kooky weakness for cute girls (which is what the translated dialog suggests to me). Which is no less reprehensible, really - especially with the way they've promoted the same-sex relationships as though it's some kind of olive branch to people who were offput by their lack of representation before - but I can't help but see it less as "a whole new low" and more as business as fucking usual.

  8. The first two episodes of the new season of Rick and Morty leaked and I absolutely did not stoop to watching them. Here's a spoiler that only exists in a hypothetical universe where I couldn't wait to see them and completely abandoned my morals.


    It's sooooo gooooooooooood. Oh my god. It might actually be even more on-point and ridiculous than the first season. I hate myself for watching this ahead of time because now I have to wait like a month for new episodes. :(