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Everything posted by BadHat

  1. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Thought some of you might like to know the Crusader Kings II Collection is 20 bucks at the Humble Store right now. Been waiting for it to drop in price for ages. On that note, it's probably already been mentioned, but setting notifications on CheapShark when a game drops below a certain price is super handy, would've missed this otherwise.
  2. Is Posting Threads Busted?

    The bigger mystery of this thread, for me, is trying to figure out what the Danny DeVito tag is referring to.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    Seconding this recommendation as someone who wasn't crazy about Primer. Nothing is just really good and funny and weird. Directed by the Cube guy!
  4. Video game music renditions

    I'm not sure if this is in the spirit of the thread since it's by the original composer, but I love the shit out of this album. Acid jazz renditions of Chrono Trigger tracks.
  5. Intoxicated:

    Bad, Chef.
  6. Video Game of Thrones

    I think what everyone really wants to know is, can they out-awful this GRRM cameo?
  7. Life

    I spend far too much time ruminating on how I come across to people, and on how I can maybe not be so incredibly self-conscious most of the time. Thanks to my years of feverish introspection, I can tell you without equivocation that the trick to social interaction is
  8. I Had A Random Thought...

    Heh, it's always neat to come across jokes from the Simpsons I'd seen when I was too young or oblivious to get the reference. Relatedly (from youtube related even), I had no idea this character was voiced by Johnny Cash. The joke at the end is one of my all-time favourites.
  9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

    I've gotten kind of weary of the way Nintendo present their games now, where it feels like the way they apply polish to them isn't done purely for presentation, but to reflect their own heavily established image and create a weird nostalgia feedback loop. I guess this has been the case for a while (I think it was a Thumbs cast where someone mentioned how gross it was that the latest Zelda games have blank slots in the inventory in the shape of each undiscovered weapon), but it's gotten to the point where a lot of their new games feel like a stripped down and sanitised theme park ride through past accomplishments as much as they feel like an actual game unto themselves (caveat: I actually really enjoyed 3D Land despite being guilty of this).
  10. I Had A Random Thought...

    It's kind of weird that an endless pit is something that inspires anxiety in people when we have an essentially endless pit all around us at all times. Gravity was a spooky movie.
  11. Spelunky!

    Have fun getting acquainted with the spike traps! I've been getting kind of fatigued on this game lately. The caves and jungle are so familiar now that I get impatient with them and make too many stupid mistakes, which then means I'm stuck there more frequently and get sick of them even more. I guess I need to focus more and be super careful but uuuggghhhh
  12. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    I find this far too funny.
  13. Intoxicated:

    "The academic games writing thread sponsored by mountain dew gamer fuel" I would totes post in this thread btw.
  14. Philosophy & Economics

    Thanks for linking that video on the last page, this series is really entertaining. Great lecturer.
  15. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    This is even better with the laughter. Rodi: It's from a giant bomb feature where Vinny loaded his last Dark Souls save after having not played in ages, which just so happened to be in Tomb of Giants. He forgot way more than just looking around corners.
  16. Life

    My mum's an early childhood teacher and has some great stories about the sort of people that job attracts here. The qualifications have eased up a lot since she got into it, so there's a lot of people who either assume it's easy, or have the idea that they're good with kids but have no patience with them. Also, aggressive shit-stirrers. Hey, I saw her on the ! Protip: skip to basically any point in that video to see the worst thing ever.
  17. I guess The F Plus qualifies as niche, not as a collective, but each individual episode covers something so incredibly niche that the podcast exists purely to make fun of it.
  18. FTL

    Yeah, this was something that seemed so obvious, such a frustrating little UI quibble. Then again, I guess there was something to memorizing which post each of your crew members was responsible for, made you connect with them a little more so that when someone died putting out a fire or whatever you might think "fuck, not the pilot!" Meh, forget that though, I'm lazy.
  19. Spelunky!

    Man, I'm at nearly 300 deaths and I've seen the temple maybe twice. Once I get into a groove I just get way too careless.
  20. Idle Explorers (Spelunky, um, thumbs)

    First daily upload, in which I survive far too many hilarious indiscretions. No music because I normally play with my own but forgot to do anything about it before recording.
  21. 100 Cooking Hacks Professional Chefs Don't Want You To Know! -- by Gordon Ramsey
  22. Cartoons!

    I'm normally kind of ambivalent about this sort of cute/random/ttly awesome cartoon that's become so prevalent, but that was really very enjoyable.
  23. I Had A Random Thought...

    It's even the name of a moderately successful kiwi band from the early 2ks.
  24. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just got around to watching In Bruges. Why didn't I watch this sooner again?
  25. Learning Languages from Games

    You mean like how I learn japanese from watching all those anime? Ah, so des ka.