Castle Greycat

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About Castle Greycat

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  1. Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time

    I have been playing PVZ2 and really enjoying it. The gameplay itself is fun and a logical step from the first game. Enough has changed to justify the ''2" in the title, yet all the things that made the first game worth playing are still there. I wonder how common is my reaction to the IAPs. Judging from this and other threads, most people either pay as they play or boycott the game, with a few ignoring the hooks entirely. I have found myself actively enjoying the meta-game that EA have created, perversely even more that the 'game' itself. PVZ2 has become the simple game which I am playing whilst pitching wits against all the psychological tricks being employed to extract my money. This level is hard and I could pay to make it easier, becomes a challenge of how I can beat it without paying. My sense of achievement for beating a world for free is actually greater than the sense of achievement of simply beating the world. In this sense the aggressive IAPs are counter productive, I would have happily paid £7 or whatever for the game as a straight up purchase. I would also have paid for flavour content in a free game, just on principal that I have enjoyed it and want to give something back to the developers so they can keep developing. Has anyone else found that refusing to pay has become a game in itself?
  2. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hi Everybody. I'm CG and have been listening to Idle Thumbs since the kick starter. It was one of the podcasts that got me into podcasts. I'm mid thirties and have been an avid gamer since Pacman on the Atari, since Dizzy Egg and Xenon 2, since Monkey Island! Sorry, getting nostalgic there. Anyways, good to join the forum for some chats.