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About Joeku

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  1. The guys should probably call their pro Spelunky team Idol Thumbs.
  2. "Holo-program". I'll probably not live long enough to see that in my life and that bums me out.
  3. Certainly. Mediums don't get named in hindsight. The perception of it though is still affected by what its name is, which is why you may not be a shouty 14-year old Call of Dutyer but if you tell someone "I play video games" they may still think that. Also oh god I seemed to have made everyone on the Thumb crew angry.
  4. "Joel" Hayward here. Name's Joey, actually. In short, yes, it was more a contemplative than suggestive thing I was talking about. Like I said, the term is going to become effectively meaningless. I brought it up largely because there's a lot of people on the internet that are hating on Gone Home because it's "not a game". Whether they actually believe that or are incorrectly assuming that's why they didn't like it, I don't know. I just think it's telling about the place that games have come from and where they're going that the reaction of some people is to immediately backlash against games that do things differently. Also, like I said it's fairly navel-gazey, so I didn't expect the question to actually air. Thanks for reading my mail, though!