Sure! So iG came up to sneak attack from behind and as they engaged (using Naga Sirens ultimate Song of the Siren, it disables the enemy team and causes them not to move but they also do not take damage while in it either) Na'Vi was able to use Force Staff to push Rubick out of the Ravage (Area damage spell that disables/stuns anyone caught in it). At the start of the engagement the orange circle that you see, that's Juggernauts spin move, it makes him magic immune, this was done to give him the protection needed for the start of the team fight. The Rubick then quickly used his ultimate ability, which allows him to steal someone elses spell, and used it in turn on iG. This time however Na'Vi got all 5 of the iG players and caused a counter team wipe. It was a really impressive play of fast reactions and timings, one of those things that is even rare for pros to do.
I hope that explains it, if not let me know and i'll see if i can clarify better or perhaps someone else can. I could likely write a thousand words on this play breaking it down, having that replay at 1000 fps slowing everything down.
Anyways, first post here, I really like the podcast and this episode is the one that caused me to sign up on the forums. I like that you don't try to attack the podcast like you know everything about the game but instead use your friends and connections to bring on interesting people to talk about aspects of the games that only industry veterans can. I find that when you guys start talking about that stuff is when I'm the most engaged in the show.
Also, i googled over grown hooves... it's like the animal has dutch wooden shoes, pretty messed up.