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Posts posted by mondryle

  1. Since the most elegant solution here is probably just 'use an app and pause', I'm going to assume those who would most benefit from split episodes are listening in a browser or can't easily reach the pause button. If it's the former, you can try Pocket Casts, which will save/sync your progress from its browser version, but you have to buy the app first.

  2. Goodreads is a great "book Facebook" but anyone reading this who hasn't visited LibraryThing should give it a look. It's more of a database than a social site but I love its clean design and the recommendations it gives are phenomenal.

  3. More tinfoil: I think this is the first time they've skipped an episode number after losing one. (not counting podblasts, which I know have never been numbered)


    But yeah, reading too far into this is starting to make me feel bad. The only reasons I can think of for holding it back are super improbable, and on this cast and the next they sound so bummed about it. Stuff breaks and it sucks.

  4. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any talk here or on the podcasts about it coming back. I think it's fair to say everyone involved has had an extraordinarily busy year, and I imagine it demands more of everyone's time than other casts. I miss it, though. Each one definitely added to my enjoyment of each book, and nudged me towards good ones I may never have read otherwise. Thanks, guys!