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Posts posted by AaronChance

  1. I think the share leveling kills the game for me. I don't get the same thrill of doing well in other LOMAs since my contributions just get thrown into a big nebulous pot without clear progression. Don't miss items, and the map objectives are generally interesting. Overall speed of the game is stuck in first gear, but I can deal with that if I had individual leveling.

    Instead I'll still with assault mode in Smite for my quick fix.

  2. A pro doto team named Shadows of the Past tried the Omniknight strat against EG, using a similar lineup to what LoL pulled against Na'Bi and got stomped, partly because they actually played worse than the Giant Bomb guys did in that match, but mainly because they were facing EG who pretty much melted their faces off. RTZ pulled off a tower dive where he soloed three kills, and got away with a sliver of life left. So what still amazes me about this game is the vast range of skill it can be played at.

  3. Sean, being someone with an obvious affection for characters and dialogue, how could you have never seen Casablanca? The movie is absolutely rich with them, not to mention also being a troubled production with an incomplete script, studio interference, and a meglomaniacal director who threatened to fire most of the staff at one point or another.


    PS - I have never seen any of the Godfather films.

  4. The best Dota 2 matches I've had have been with players not as good as me. Because they knew it and wouldn't argue about item choices or come up with flaky strategies. They concentrated on their heroes, and when I came up with a plan, they followed along. This would give us superior team fight in the late game, which usually carried us to victory. My best game was probably Ability Draft where I was Lina with an odd mix of powers against a Sand King with just insane crit ability. We lost all our outer towers before taking any of theirs. My team was sure we were going to lose, but when I made a push they backed me up all the way. We focused down the sand king, and just steamrolled the rest, ending with a win.


    My worst game was playing with three other players way better than me, and I just couldn't keep up. Shit was happening so fast I didn't really learn anything from it either. I had 17 deaths as Crystal Maiden, but we still won. That's how good my teammates were.

  5. Don't care if you win or lose AD. Just have fun coming up with crazy skill combos. Like an enchantress with arrow and chemical rage. Or a Meepo with a mix of Juggernaut and Lifestealer's abilities. I agree though it's stupid teamchat is blocked off when it could easily appear on the side. One game I went for Luna's ult, and my own teammate picked lucent beam, making it useless. We still won though. I had mostly medusa's abilities so I was nearly unkillable for most of the game.

  6. I feel the end choice suffers more for how it's delivered than anything else. Suddenly having a menu option in a game about shooting and dueling didn't sit right with me, but Silas's narrative had been setting it up for a while up to that point. Maybe if they had fully rendered the saloon and the patrons listening on on his story, the end reveal would have worked better. Still liked it more than the end of Bioshock Infinite.

  7. Ability Draft is my favorite mode. I played a Lina with Lycan's ult, liquid fire, and wd's stun against a Sandking with crit for days. Our team won, but it was a close battle the whole time with just madness on top of madness. Then I played a regular RD game where the other team had first pick PL and the rest of my team picked poorly (I counter picked DP). The whole game was no fun and we got stomped.

  8. I tried inviting you, but you're already in the maximum number of guilds.


    By the way, I could be wrong, but as far as I know the only way for me to add people is from inside Dota 2 meaning the IdleThumbs chat.  I don't think I can add people directly from their steam profiles.  I'll try leaving my client running so I can see people that post in the chat while I'm afk and add them next time I'm on. 

    Sorry about that. Didn't know there was a limit. Checking around it does seem you can only add people from inside Dota 2. I'll clear out the useless guilds and hit you up next time I'm on.

  9. I mean one of the players was intentionally feeding the other team. He even took wards meant for someone else and didn't place them. Since there's no kick mechanic in Dota 2 either, we were stuck with a hero actively working against us. What would be the point of playing that game out for an hour or whatever? That's not fun. That's not even a challenge. It's just misery.

  10. Played a team game today with a 'friend of a friend' on the team who ended up feeding so hard the game was essentially lost ten minutes in. Lucky for me, one person on our team was so disgusted he abandoned right away so the rest of us only had to wait for five minutes to exit without penalty. Though I seriously can't think of a clearer example of the need for a surrender option.

  11. I think surrender would be fine with Dota 2 with these restrictions:

    1- only available in non-ranked games

    2- counts as a loss for the surrendering team

    3- each player gets exactly one chance to propose a surrender

    4- must be 4/5 majority for it to pass

    (because sometimes there's one player who has to be an asshole)

    5- only available after thirty minutes

  12. Now that there's ranking, there's no reason not to have a surrender option in more casual games. While you can come from behind in Dota 2, it normally requires the other team to fall apart, so you know by the mid game whether there's any chance, but it can still drag on and on with nothing to learn from the experience. At that point the game is just wasting the losing team's time.

  13. I quit Dota 2 due to the lack of a surrender option. I just don't have the time for hour plus matches that I know are lost twenty minutes in, but am guilt tripped into staying in the game to keep from ruining it for my teammates. At least add it to the casual play, Valve. I'm not asking for a free abandon in ranking.

  14. You can set the keys pretty much as you want. There's also several preset configs. I would just randomly play against all bots. That way if you don't like the lord you can ditch them without being a dick to human players. Every lord has several guides. The problem is sometimes choosing the right one, which is hard without knowing the ins and outs of the items. You can set the difficulty on the bots. Putting them up max and you'll need to contribute or your team will be wiped. Though if you feel comfortable enough, jump into a co-op with bots. Low pressure and very easy to find a match. Though if you abandon any game with other real players you can be penalized and sent to low priority.

  15. To see where my perspective comes from, I have about 12 hours into Dota. I expect somewhere between 8-10 of those would likely be actually playing the game since Steam only tracks how long the app is running. I jumped in going "I know what these games are. I got this. Support Lich? No fuckin problem" and the issue isn't that it's SUPER DIFFERENT, the issue is that they're so similar that the differences are maddeningly magnified. I spent some time reading on the proper way to swap Power Treads so you get the most mileage out of them and was like "yup I can do this" but I'm fairly certain I never got to the point where my Treads were sufficiently Powered.


    e: I also last gave it a shot before there was ANY tutorialization, so no guides, no item suggestions, nothin.


    Play a lord you're not familiar with from LoL (probably a ranged hero as they are generally easier), and follow the top rated guide without really worrying about what the items do. Use the quick courier button, and don't click on the thing itself. Its manual controls are overly complicated. You haven't played in a while since the default mapping is now QWER for abilities and ZXCVBN for items. Check it in the control settings. Might want to play co-op against bots because those games are very chill.

  16. I really hope Valve adds a majority vote surrender option. Because I've been in games where my side has clearly lost and there's no hope of a comeback, but instead of just ending it the other team decides to camp and kills anyone who comes out instead of getting it over with. I've also been on the winning side where the other team has just given up, and we're slogging through their racks to end the game. There's no fun in there. I haven't played a ton of games, but there is almost never any fun in the very end game. Even in pro matches, most games reach the tipping point 10-20 minutes before the end, and the dragging end brings down the experience for me.