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About notmetalenough

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  1. Double Fine - Kickstarter - MASSIVE CHALICE Kickstarter has written about the effect that large projects have on the site, numerous times. In every case the ripple effect is that more projects by smaller teams are funded as a result of high profile Kickstarter campaigns.
  2. Favorite Game Of All Time

    I know this is usually typical nerdbait, but Chrono Trigger. I remember staying up until 5-6am on a weekend as a 4th grader because I never played a game so engrossing before. I never realized what a huge gamer touchstone it was until I was in my 20s, because I just remembered it as that time travel game I played once. Now I've bought it and replayed it on almost every platform it's come out on.
  3. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits inoffensive game design right there guys.