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About poperamone

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  1. Using Games as a documentary medium

    Thanks everyone some really great suggestions and some fantastic discussion for me to look into. You have pretty much hit the nail on the head, I'm hoping to explore elements such as cart life as well as how games such as medal of honour use 'real life' as a starting point. I was also thinking of including titles such as colombine RPGs or I get this call everyday but I'm not sure where real events start and parody end in those examples.
  2. Using Games as a documentary medium

    Prove I didn't.... and thanks
  3. Using Games as a documentary medium

    shhh Its actually made by me. I traveled back from the year 2534 to make it.
  4. Using Games as a documentary medium

    Thanks Dude. don't suppose you fancy knocking up 10,000 words on the topic by novemeber for me too??
  5. Using Games as a documentary medium

    does tell the story of Obama inauguration?
  6. Using Games as a documentary medium

    what is that? sounds horrible !
  7. Hi Thumbers, I was wondering if I could pick your collective brains... I am currently studying for a MA in games design in the UK and am trying to do some research for my dissertation. I am looking into how games can be used to tell a true story or as a documentary. For instance the cat and the coup http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cat_and_the_Coup has any one stumbled across any other examples of documentary games I could use as research? Thanks guys