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About Dualhammers

  • Rank
    Safety Skeleton Jamboree
  • Birthday 06/23/1986

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  • Location
    Seattle, WA

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  1. Also, it was funny to me that Nick said "Jon Blow judges you for playing a silly game" because during launch week Bennett Foddy (of Qwop fame) asked how X-Com 2 was and Mr. Blow responded saying it had the same "clunky core mechanics" but was now also "loud and in your face. The character stuff is like it was designed for twelve year olds." I jumped in to say that if you prefered the 1994 Xcom because it was the smart one you won't like it but the incorporation of extensive player expression to foster human connection with your soldiers in a tactics game is really interesting and cool. To this Mr. blow replied: "I think what he means is it has hats."
  2. It probably doesn't mean anything but when Chris mentioned Firewatch he said "Jake and I shipped Firewatch..." and it made me realize that we have not heard Sean on the podcast in awhile. I infered some big stuff is going on in his life so I am not surprised or anything, but that stood out to my brain. Is Sean still officially on the cast?
  3. This episode was really good because it brought back all the memories of Bushido Blade I have from my pre-teen years. That was probably one of the few games of the original Playstation era that stayed with me in terms of personal game aesthetic. There is a part of me that has the hubris to think I could someday help create a game that is Dark Souls world building and environmental storytelling but with the Bushido Blade combat model.
  4. Winter Wizard Jam Team Building Thread

    Looking to join a team. Easiest to contact me via twitter (@dualhammers) I don't really care about the type of game, but I would like to do something unique and surprising. I can do a bit of everything, but i'd say I'm best as a 3D artist and animator. (intermediate level)
  5. Idle Thumbs 237: Momazon Prime

    So I had never listened to the first episode of Idle Thumbs and I figured it would be interesting to loop back around and hear them talk about Fallout 3. And wow; so much has changed and nothing has changed. Hell of a first episode though
  6. Downwell, like Spelunky, is a chimera I keep chasing. I've never been good at games that require intense focus on a moment by moment basis and I am attempting to use Downwell as a tool to rewire my brain for the better. Hopefully it can improve my focus without requiring some sort of stimulant drug.
  7. Really glad to hear positive words on World of Warships by the Thumbs, as I play that game and have felt often that perhaps I was playing something really dorky and lame. Lots of history dads play it. Maybe I am slowly becoming one? @Nick: If you ever want to play some matches hit me up. Name is dualhammers on there as well.
  8. Honestly excited for what comes next because I always need a new cast with Thumbs sensibilities. Danielle you know what I feel about cool you are. Knock em dead in New York.
  9. Life

    Pretty excited to be going on a month-long trip starting tomorrow! Taking the train to Chicago then up to Canada for a few weeks.
  10. Life

    Heard about this thread on the latest cast, and today felt like a good day to post. Life has been rough for me the last couple months. Here is just a smattering of things that have occurred: 1. Wife lost her Q/A Job after the entirely company was fired by the new CEO. 2. Panic attacks have become an almost daily occurrence, with symptoms mostly being chest pain that no doctor can explain. 3. Several failed projects have left me without any job prospects myself. 4. My dad died suddenly at the end of April of a heart attack. (Since my mom died when I was a teenager I'm now fully an adult). Despite all this, however, I need to remember that I have a lot of good in my life as well: I have a wonderful partner, my new doctor is helping me find a therapist and placed me on some drugs that seem to be helping, and my Dad's will left me an unexpected inheritance that will allow us to actually try our hand at starting a business rather than scrambling for another low-paying Q/A job. I feel overwhelmed almost daily these days but i'm doing my best to keep going. Lurking around this forum is part of what helps me keep going. Folks like Danielle continue to inspire and encourage me. I know that I'm going to keep trying, come what may.
  11. When the discussion of the town came up my first thought was similar to Jake's. Dashiell Hammett was also known for creating fictitious towns that were reminiscent of real places while also alluding to some greater archetype. Red Harvest is a perfect example with the opening description of Poisionville: And then later. I am fairly sure this kind of description would be very similar to what Nic Pizzolatto would have written in the script. One thing that we've touched on only tangentially is True Detective's relationship to pulp noir fiction. In its day pulp noir was just that: pulp. The writing wasn't suppose to be high art, it was suppose to be accessible to the masses. In a lot of ways True Detective season 1 was a departure from that with the level of polish and sophistication that was put into the entire season. It will be interesting to see if this season will return to its more pulpy roots both in terms of content and delivery. Justin Lin seems like a signal that may be the case but we shall see.
  12. Saturday Morning Streams

    I have not been able to catch these streams and I don't think it is archived. It is a true tragedy.
  13. Welcome to WIZARD JAM

    If anyone needs help with Blender I can assist with that.
  14. The first instant I heard about Brand's involvement with Offworld Trading Colony I sent a tweet to Soren letting him know that I didn't want to support the game if I knew money would be finding its way into Brad's pocket. Which really frustrates me, because I too think Soren is a cool guy who is now stuck with Brad on a business level. I've honestly wrestled with this decision a lot, because I want to support Soren, but I personally feel that it is the tiny compromises we make every day that have allowed certain toxic elements to stagnate inside the industry. That being said, there doesn't seem to be a good solution here. Soren will get hurt a lot more if this game doesn't work than Brad will, but Brad will benefit if it does. Honestly, I don't know what to do.