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Everything posted by clyde

  1. Does everyone sound stoned when you slow their voice down? I didn't know that.
  2. Here's a video of the match against the army of Mei's. Sorry that the sound is low, I didn't know I would want to record before the match started so I didn't set the levels correctly.
  3. I just played a game where the defending team on Numbani all played as Mei. It was hilarious. They won. Not everyone was happy though. I'm looking forward to a ranked-mode so that people that take the game seriously don't have to play with casuals like myself.
  4. I enjoyed that discussion about the use of the term "anime" in critique. Looks like it took a lot out of y'all, but I learned a lot. Thank-you to all who participated. Also in case it is unclear this is not a sarcastic comment. I hope the clarification doesn't sound sarcastic. Oh well.
  5. For what it's worth, when I watched gameplay videos it looked way too fast. When I play it feels like a managable speed (with the exception of playing Genji and Tracer). I don't know if you'd like the game, but that was one personal misrepresentation I had based on watching videos.
  6. I did not know that Lucio could do that. Also I just found out that A.I. matches include random people on your own team. That's a nice option
  7. Game Critique Club (Round 2.5)

    I'm in the perfect mood to play through Perfection this morning. I started watching episode 1 of Agnes Varda's and quickly became overwhelmed by the intensity, awareness, and significance of her work and the work of those she involves herself with. Then I came across that has an artism to it without the timeless quality of Varda's observations; it still has a lot of intention to it like a student art-film with a budget that got lucky with their soundtrack. I then wanted to share the music-video without fully recommending it; this is an emotion I feel frequently as I find myself appreciating work that has something to express without the tools and/or ability to capture and communicate it fully. I'm not suggestion that Perfection is such a work, I'm suggesting that this morning-coffee experience of bouncing around the spectrum of artistic-worth with personally verifiable feelings but no empirical foundation, is relevant to Perfection.The protagonist has a name and it's implied that Sam has a past, but for the most part Perfection is made out of generalities about creative-process mostly consisting of platitudinal terms of encouragement and nihilistic psuedo-rationales for dismissal. Instead of progress in the game consisting of details that fill out whatever Sam is manifesting, we know we are making progress with a new set of unspecific ambitions and a set of summarized self-doubts; neither set tells us anything about Sam or the work, everything we learn is from the format and theme. Choosing a perspective that sees the current state of work (within terms of glamorous depictions of an artistic genius) rolls us into another moment where we have the option between it again, or cynicism. Choosing a phrase that depicts a moment where Sam has lost momentum resets the game entirely. The results of the dichotomy weights it heavily. The good-ending suggests that all of these failed cycles are informing another attempt. This is never the actual case within the game though; It's implied that I should be encouraged, knowing that the next attempt is informed by all the previous failures, but in reality I know that I'll end up going through another non-conclusive cycle that results in nothing but increased experience within that cycle. I never end up with a sense that something is actually being created. So in essence, Perfection is communicating to me that the relevance of artistic work is purely the sense of progress during the process in which nothing can possibly be produced.
  8. I stopped saving up for skins and just started buying non-skin stuff I like. It feels nice to personalize my characters a bit.
  9. I'm wondering if the diplomacy in Civ 6 will be much different. I don't want complexity as much as I just want a sense that the heads of the other civilizations have a lot of personality and I want to discover bits of intrigue that genuinely surprise me.
  10. Reaper needs voice-lines like "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words... will never hurt me." And "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever bounces off of me... sticks to you."
  11. I played the all Hanzos and Genji Arcade-mode on Hanamura. It was interesting. I am not very good with Genji, but I did some stuff with Hanzo that felt bad-ass. Also one of the POGs was Genji deflecting Genji shurikens from two Genjis and killing them both with the deflect.
  12. For the second point on Anubis, remember to use that pathway on the left as an attacker. Junkrat can lob grenades in (from the right, behind the wall) to disrupt positions and there are multiple sniping pedestals to use. Also of note: the statue in the back can provide a lot of cover from defenders coming in from spawn as long as y'all are holding that left flank.
  13. Game Critique Club (Round 2.5)

    Perfection reminds me of Depression Quest. I enjoy that context, because the differences in how the self-skepticism is presented is interesting to think about. In Depression Quest, the choices to live a healthy, productive life slowly become inert. In Perfection, the choices to continue working on the current project always remain, but they have to compete for attention with an increasing number of reasons for the work's negation. I should also mention that I can identify with the sentiment expressed in this game, but I always write in pen and never throw anything away in order to disprove those momentary thoughts of dismissal by simply discovering my incomplete works from the past at later dates; it works beautifully. I'll continue to play and write more thoughts later.
  14. Don't let them get to ya. Everything I do is considered cheesy or cowardly if it is a winning strategy. I've really pissed some people off with Symmetra. I get the impression that some people only play one character and they make up various honor-rules of who you can't play as (typically their counters).
  15. I don't think I've mentioned it by name, but Cynical Nerd has 8-minute long guide-videos on all of the heroes. They have been really useful for me. That's where I learned how to effectively use Zarya and I just watched the one of Reaper; I cleaned up with him now that I understand he is good for teleporting behind the enemy line and taking out tanks.
  16. Oh my gosh y'all. Try playing a custom game with all A.I. set to easy. It's worth doing at least once.
  17. The Big VR Thread

    How are y'all enjoying your headsets lately? What applications or games do you find yourself enjoying?
  18. Game Critique Club (Round 2.5)

    I've managed to isolate all of the scenes with the exception of the Sun. I've grown to really enjoy 60 HZ DAYDREAM. The flat art with its earth-tones and dithery zones complement the experimental melodies of low bit-rate synth chimes and phase-shifting. I'm not sure if there is an inherent synergy between them or if playing the game a lot has created a new association; I think it's kinda cool either way. I notice that the subjects are all animals reaching their targets in natural settings, but I never managed to connect that with the larger organization of having all the games shuffle as fast as they can and being eliminated one by one in order to achieve a more easily observable scene. If the game was composed of noisy disruptions within our modern technological lives or if I eliminated layers of illusions in order to reveal a more relevant reality, then I would have felt that the themeing and the format would easily feel related; I'm just trying to give some examples for comparison to show you what I mean. I can certainly come up with a personal interpretation, but I feel that it would lack corroboration with a third aspect. that personal interpretation would be this: Sitting in a park, at first it appears to me as the hyper-reality of nature. But once I take the time to witness and observe various examples of animal-life going about its business, I no longer see these instances as a single summary. I had this experience sitting in a park today in fact. I examined a fractured twig for a while, watched a flying insect crawling across a twig-bridge over a portion of the creek and blew a black ant off of my melodica-case after watching it panic about how to get back off of it. I would like to have more to say about how the game feels so incredibly abrasive; that aspect is such intense part of the presentation, but I don't really know what to say about it beyond the satisfaction of forcing myself through electronic-media that is aggresively irritating to eventually reach one of a few digital folky renditions of tropishly peaceful scenes. When I type that out I realize that I enjoy the concept.
  19. [Release] Punch Wizard

    The look was really cool and I liked standing on enemies. How did you do the camera-pathing?
  20. I don't usually find myself caring much about cosmetics or loot, but the fact that you can get duplicates is fucking stupid imo. First time I've had a complaint about the game though.
  21. I love that you call it drinking your juice.
  22. Have you tried Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Symmetra, or Lucio Dewar? I'd be interested in hearing what your experiences are like with these characters since you are having difficulty with more skilled players.