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Everything posted by AngelikMayhem

  1. Idle Thumbs 106: Imagine the Man I was the guy who dimed out Wartune to the ESRB after I confirmed that their game was garbage.
  2. Episode 210: A Silly Place

    This game came almost one year to the day after the unabashed horror that was Mass Effect 3. These games are the most telling explaination of the dangers of mixing monopolies and shareholders. SimCity 5 is the wrapping paper you keep after throwing the gift away. It's pretentious in the worst way (i.e. it's called SimCity, not SimCity 5) and also heavily dependent on sizzle and lies -- straight up lies, mind you. The whole thing where a guy hacked the game to prove that you could run it on your computer without the server isn't shocking; it's sad. EA Games is the perfect microcosm of the dark side of capitalism -- where maximizing shareholder equity comes at the cost of everything including customer service. But at the end of the day, this is our fault: EA ends it's fiscal year in March every year and they got us again. Whatever it is, we must not buy anything that EA puts out next March. I don't care if it's the first AAA porn game. I don't care if it's Battlefront of Honor: Warmonger IV, an RPS with lasers. Plants vs. Zombies: MiracleGrow, Bejezzled 11, or Need for Speed: Shotgun in the Shotgun -- don't... get... tricked... again!
  3. Ideas for 3MA shows

    3MA topic idea: branching plot narratives in strategy games. How difficult is it to write divergent paths for a strategy game?
  4. Which Video Game Boss would make the best Actual Boss?

    Don Flamenco from Punch Out!!! Something tells me this guy is pretty popular with the ladies, so I'd cash that check.