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Posts posted by aeolist

  1. So the Echo Slam is the obvious big moment of the TI5 finals, but I think there were better games from EG. They had that one fairly well in hand and even despite the Storm Spirit pickoff they were probably going to roll CDEC up.


    Game 3 of the finals was really great and close, basically an incredible duel between Agressif's Slark and all of EG trying to catch him, which felt almost impossible until that last huge chase through the Dire jungle.


    Probably my favorite moment from the whole thing was game 2 of EG vs LGD in the lower bracket. EG was down against Maybe's Shadow Fiend and Sylar's Gyrocopter, both of whom were really farmed with BKBs to deal with Leshrac and Butterfly evasion to counter Clinkz. Fear finally gets a MKB to cut through the evasion, LGD go to take Roshan and EG move to contest. Sumail initiated, died, and EG picked off the supports without really being able to touch the two cores.


    At that point it seemed pretty bad, but then ppd pulled off a crazy juke and baited Rubick over to the Radiant side of the river, where Aui and Fear could kill him. SF and Gyro were split up but came to help, and after he died they tried to back off. Universe caught SF with a crazy force staff + hookshot play, and they finished him off with some great coordination between ppd and Fear. At that point Sumail was back and came to catch out the respawning supports and Gyro, at which point it was basically over. They forced out Gyro's buyback and still took the full set of mid rax, then with the gold they'd gained were able to finish LGD off a few minutes later and force the GG. It was probably the single best teamfight I can ever remember seeing in Dota.

  (can't get the timestamp to work right, the fight in question is about 53 minutes in)


    Love the show guys.

  2. I didn't get an invite to my reunion and I think I just forgot about it... I guess it was 3 years ago but I haven't thought about it until just now.


    Nobody in high school really gave a crap about me and frankly I don't remember most of them anyway.

  3. I had a dream last night where I was visiting the Polygon offices, only instead of an office building it was a giant house where they all lived together. I remember seeing the McElroys sitting in a bedroom together playing Mario Kart.


    I don't even read Polygon much, it was weird.

  4. B0KCJ_JCYAA_UzU.png


    I feel this is the entire thing in a nutshell. This person is either completely disingenuous and is using the standard talking points in an attempt to gain a convert or is so lacking in self-awareness and maturity that they actually don't understand what they're doing.


    My favorite analogy for this is southerners who display the Confederate flag and claim the Civil War was about state's rights. They're either using that as a conscious cover for racism or their unacknowledged racist tendencies are exactly what keep them from realizing how racist it is.

  5. ps, cold fusion is a hoax? last time I checked they we're sure if it was viable or not.

    It was never experimentally verified by anyone, even though a lot of people tried. If it wasn't a hoax it was a colossal mistake.

  6. If that reactor design works out it'll be one of, if not the biggest technological breakthrough in all history. They're still a ways off even a prototype though, and even if they get that there are significant challenges left. I'll remain skeptical for now.

    So long as they can build a working prototype I'll be fine getting hyped. It won't have the energy cost associated with inertial confinement or current tokamak designs, and any remaining problems will get literally billions of dollars thrown at them since the first people to crack a marketable design will make even more ungodly amounts of money.

  7. They say it's safe, but aren't they just a little worried that if the reaction gets loose it might start chaining to all the hydrogen in the atmophere? Not that it stopped them when testing the Atomic Bomb.


    Worrying aside, this is really awesome if it's true.

    The reaction uses deuterium and tritium, not normal hydrogen. A reactor breach would just disrupt the reaction because the plasma field wouldn't be under enough pressure for fusion to continue, and the radiation leakage would be very light and would not last long. Waste isn't a problem either.

  8. Incredible! It's not the same thing as cold fusion, or is it? In any case, a magnificent, promising energy revolution is just around the corner. Combine this with renewable energy and the world will indeed be a different place.


    Most exciting is the idea that the stars will have come a little more into reach again. Humanity must spread out over the galaxy!

    Cold fusion was supposedly a reaction that could take place at or near room temperatures as opposed to very high temperatures like natural fusion (i.e. stars). Unfortunately it was a hoax.


    This is just normal fusion, the breakthrough has apparently come from the shape of the reaction chamber and the magnetic field used to contain the plasma.


    Normally I would be beyond skeptical but Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works division doesn't fuck around.

  9. Just out of interest, how difficult is it to start a union in the US? Do people have to join a union specific to their precise role or are there more general workers' unions that could suffice?

    It's difficult generally speaking. Most unions are old and well-established and even those are getting heavily pressured by state governments (which are more effectively controlled by conservatives than the federal govt) and corporations. Also culturally the right-wingers have done a very good job at demonizing unions so plenty of people who would be helped by them don't want them.

  10. I feel pretty lucky that I work for a small place that actually cares about their employees and has no issue with paying out overtime (it does mean they don't usually want us to work more than 40 hours/week but that's fine too). My big issue is that the only health insurance they can afford for us really sucks (think $5000 deductible) but I can't really blame them for it. It might be improving after the end of the year at least.

  11. I had 3 different pumpkin ales this year:


    1. Dogfish Head Punkin - Probably the best-regarded pumpkin ale and usually extremely hard to find since they make it in low quantities and demand is high. This year I saw a whole lot more of it, and I think I liked this batch better than last year. It's not a strong added flavor, and their ales are all high quality (pretty strong too).


    2. Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin - I had the Pumpkinhead variety from these guys last year and really liked it, this is the more expensive version. It's good but a bit more cloying than the Dogfish Head. Sweeter and not as strong.


    3. Southern Tier Pumking - I had this tonight. It's very strong (8.6 I think) and a much more hoppy and intense beer flavor to go along with the strong pumpkin taste. It took some getting used to but I enjoyed it.

  12. I would fire a pro gamer-gate person without blinking an eye. They have shown either unwillingness or inability to prioritize the comfort of those different than themselves. That would be a pretty essential skill for anyone I employed.

    Yeah depending on what he was doing it might just be a case of seeing a totally reasonable consequence for his shitty behavior.


    I find it really funny that they've been so active about appropriating the language and terms of progressive movements while both completely missing the point on all of them and decrying any and all progressivism. It makes it hard to lend any credence of reports of harassment against gaters (women or otherwise) when they've demonstrated a total lack of understanding as to what harassment actually is. That sucks though because I'm sure it's happened a few times and I don't want to doubt people who speak up about it, but all the disingenuous shrieking and sockpuppet accounts make it impossible to do otherwise.

  13. And jeez now there's a fucking ton of people saying she's faking it, and even more saying "it's not related to #gamergate/that person doesn't represent us!"


    Which, you know, since you're a leaderless anarchic hate mob you don't represent it either and can't say whether that person is or is not part of your group.