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About jetsetrez

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  1. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hey there fellow thumbs. I'm new, but have been listening (I mean reading) the podcast since the beginning. I've actually probably gone through the entire podcast archive at least three times, which might seem kind of sad, but the Thumbs are the most eminently re-listenable podcast imo, and they've brought laughs to many a night shift and good times to many a boring night. I don't know why I haven't signed up here this whole time, but I got the urge to join after just recently playing through Machinarium (I know, way LTTP). I really loved it and it brought back the feeling I got playing Grim Fandango, the only other adventure game I've really played through. I've tried a few others (Longest Journey, Broken Sword, Syberia), but despite liking some of the trappings, never really stuck with them. Now I really want a little more adventure gaming, and I figured there probably isn't a better place to ask for recommendations than here. My limitations are a little weird; I've got a Mac, but don't really want to play on it, and enjoyed Machinarium a lot more on my big screen than when I tried it a long time ago on PC, so I'd like to choose between what's available on PSN. I have Walking Dead already, so I'd really like to know what is the best TellTale stuff to start with other than WD? Sam & Max is the most interesting to me of their series, and I don't have nostalgia for Back to the Future (sorry, sacrilege, I know). I've been rubbed the wrong way by cat-hair-makes-the-mustache old school style of adventure game design, so I'm hoping TT's stuff is more of the modern, semi-logical (or logical for the game's surreal logic, at least) style. So yeah, recommendations would be sweet! P.S., Bird noise, wizard. No you hang up.